After a very long absence from the hive book club and the hive community in general, I am finally trying to settle back in, but it hasn't been seamless though. That is due to my current location anyways not hive. In my first blog post after my return, I went on to tell you guys about the reason for my absence and what I have been involved in. So let's complete the story then.

oh, and you could see the post here
So after my camping experience, I was then posted to my Place of primary assignment (PPA). This is the place where I would serve for a one-year period. I was posted to the Library in A Major Seminary. It was a place I was privileged to be posted to. The last time I had a real library experience was over three years ago in an academic library where I did my industrial training during my university days, so I was really looking forward to this one.

It being a Seminary means that it was being run by donations, both from philanthropists, various seminarian diocese, all catholic churches and organizations in general, and of course well-wishers. Buildings and cabins in the seminary also are sponsored. In tribute to said donations, the various buildings in the seminary are named after the sponsors as is the library as seen above. I couldn't get a wide-angle picture as it was raining outside, lol.

You'd be guessing that the collection is mainly religion but the materials are actually covering all subjects. The main subjects are Philosophy which is the first shelf and Theology which is the other shelf. The library uses the library of congress classification scheme as you would expect.

The Serial section is also available in the main reading room with a variety of collections of materials. Some of the materials available there are actually archival materials. Materials ranging from newspapers to journals, to magazines, almanacs, and the likes. The library also acquires new newspapers regularly.

A large and conducive reading room where the book collections are located. The seminary is in an isolated location allows for well enough fresh air in the well-ventilated room.

Directly opposite the reading room is the e-library. It is quite advanced. With thirteen internet-enabled computers apart from the dedicated ICT center, readily available for seminarians and staff alike. With 24/7 solar-powered electricity. I am actually writing at the e-library now, lol.

This is the Technical service department. Where you know, all the technical activities are done. This is where I spend most of my time working/reading. To the right is the OPAC for students and information seekers.

Finally, with so many books to read everything seems overwhelming. I went from philosophical books to Law, to books on psychology, and on and on. I finally settled for this book by Eugene Kenedy as the title caught my attention. I have read the first pages and the wisdom in this book is so immense that I'd have to re-read each paragraph again just to get the full message. Thank you for touring with me. I know you wished this was you but NO, lol. I would be reviewing this soon, so stick around.
Happy Service year, corper wee!
This is where the heart is, home!
Wishing you the best reads and wonderful new experiences.
thank you so much Lams.
you're the best
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