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RE: The Tantalizing Books of Sarah J Maas

in Hive Book Club2 years ago

Nope I have not read any of the maas stories but they sure do sound amazing. The throne of glass is a 7 series volume so that scares me, lol

I can't quite remember what I have read this yeah, but most recently, I loved Victor Frankl's man's search for meaning

It has really helped me see things in a better light


Nice! I love it when books help us see ourselves or the world in a different way.

I haven't been this committed to a series in a long time. It's got to be exceptional to suck me in enough to read all 7 books in a series, and this one was! :)

 2 years ago (edited) 

Also, it's kinda cool that you get defensive of your favourite author 😅

Shows you're really into her, I guess everyone can like the same author right?

It was more like I needed to rationalize why I'm so into her than being defensive, but yes. lol! And I think it's great that there are SO many stories and different authors out there. Plenty to go around.