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RE: I'm Diving Into A New Universe - Eisenhorn: The Omnibus

Lemme just boop this here so I can come back to it. My fiance says his favorite books in the Warhammer 40k Universe were Gaunt's Ghosts. May look into this?

Also took a peak at your stuff holy crap I followed you on Twitch and would love to see what you have instore for the other things you read. I'm currently painting warhammer figures with my fiance. Sisters of Battle make me so happy.
Big hugs to you thank you for covering this I have a TBR list 40k miles long faint


I've heard about Gaunt's Ghosts but haven't looked into them yet. I'm gonna have to go baby steps into this universe I think. I've never had any connection to WH40K before playing some of the video games lately. I hope I won't be bitten by the miniature virus...

Also thanks for the Twitch follow! My activity there is very on and off but I do appreciate it still.

Welcome to Hive 😄

Thank you very much! I've been really enjoying reading everyones posts! I'm looking into a DnD campaign to play here soon got invited too bad they aren't streaming this one but really excited to do it!