Analysis and Review of Shakespeare’s Othello

in Hive Book Club8 months ago


Othello appears to be unique amongst Shakespeare's tragedies. This is because of some ironies and paradoxes that are inherent in the play. In my opinion, it is Shakespeare's most excitingly painful tragedy.

The excitement and pain in the play are embodied in the character of the eponymous tragic hero Othello. The play is also a paradox because it considers or perhaps explores the sad consequences of the extremes of both goodness and badness.

Again, the play features Shakespeare's most romantic and most pitiable character, Othello. It also features Shakespeare's most evil character, Iago. On the other end, it also features Shakespeare's artistry in capturing the pain of unrequited love on the one hand and the futility as well as the cool hardiness of investing one's whole life on love without reservations. This is illustrated in the character of Desdemona.

Spoiler Alert

Set in Venice, as the play opens the reader/audience is introduced to the major themes explored in the play. These themes include; hate, revenge, racism, love, deceit and hypocrisy. These themes are revealed in the interaction between Iago and Rodrigo. The major problem in the play is that Iago feels cheated by Othello who chose Casio in his stead as lieutenant.

Iago considers himself far better qualified than Casio to occupy the position. Because of this perceived wrong done to him, Iago sets in motion an insidious mercenary of events and actions that would ultimately culminate in revenge against Othello.

His technique consists of a series of soliloquies and dramatic monologues that often contain important hints on the modus operandi that he adopts.


Iago's first move is to discredit Othello before Brabanto who is Othello's father in-law and Desdemona's father. He uses Rodrigo to rudely rouse the sleeping city with the accusation that Othello is not only making out with Desdemona at the moment but is planning to elope with her. On this account, the venetian senate is meant to convene in order to ascertain the veracity of the allegation.

At the meeting, Othello requests that Desdemona be summoned to speak for herself. In her submission, Desdemona chose Othello over her father's decision. Othello as a devoted Roman soldier immediately gets legally married to Desdemona before setting off for Cyprus in Turkey.

Ironically, Othello entrust his newly wedded wife to Iago to bring her to Cyprus after him. This action along with others emphasize both the verbal and dramatic ironies in the play as Othello consistently proclaims his absolute trust in Iago who seeks nothing but to destroy him.

I enjoy reading the works of the Elizabethan era and Shakespeare is one of the writers of this period. It interests me that the Elizabethan was characterized with tragedy, betrayal and lots of other things which are portrayed in the works of writers of this period.

Anyway, I admire the language employed in Shakespeare's work hence the reason why I keep going back to read them for more clarity and of course, it's entertaining.




What a cool analysis! can't wait to see more of quality content like this.

Thank you for the encouragement! I'm glad you enjoyed the analysis. I'm committed to delivering more quality content as soon as I can.

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