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First of all I would like to send you my most sincere wishes of success, health and happiness for this new year, today I would like to share with you my impressions about one of the best novels of my namesake, Victor Hugo, in this case, the first book of the trilogy, which introduces us to history and invites us to know in depth the origin of the insubordination of oppressed peoples.
Ante todo me gustaría enviarles mis más sinceros deseos de éxito, salud y felicidad para este año nuevo, hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes mis impresiones acerca de una de las mejores novelas de mi tocayo, Víctor Hugo, en este caso, el primer libro de la trilogía, el cual nos introduce a la historia y nos invita a conocer a fondo el origen de la insubordinación de los pueblos oprimidos.
This book emphasizes one of the protagonists of the story, Jean Valjean, a young working class man who, finding himself without money to feed his family (his sister and nephews) decides to steal a loaf of bread, but is caught, and due to the injustice of the system of that time, just for having stolen to try to feed his family, he was sentenced to prison where they suppressed all his rights as a citizen, he was even dehumanized and treated at the same level of an old junk that is no longer useful, because not even the animals were treated with such cruelty and injustice, however, when he was released from prison after serving his sentence, he found a hermetic society that turned its back on him and rejected him when they realized that he is an ex-convict. Jean Valjean can't get a job, he is not accepted in the inns, it is as if he simply doesn't deserve life, so no matter how hard he tries he can't rejoin society.
Este libro hace énfasis en uno de los protagonistas de la historia, Jean Valjean, un joven de clase obrera que al verse sin dinero para alimentar a su familia (su hermana y sobrinos) decide robar una hogaza de pan, pero es atrapado, y debido a la injusticia del sistema de esa época, tan solo por haber robado para tratar de alimentar a su familia, fue condenado a la cárcel donde suprimieron todos sus derechos como ciudadano, incluso fue deshumanizado y tratado al mismo nivel de un traste viejo que ya no sirve, porque ni los animales fueron tratados con tanta crueldad e injusticia, sin embargo, cuando salió de prisión luego de cumplir su condena, se encontró con una sociedad hermética que le dio la espalda y lo rechazó al darse cuenta de que es un ex-convicto. Jean Valjean no consigue trabajo, no lo aceptan en las posadas, es como si simplemente no mereciera la vida, así que por más que lo intenta no puede reincorporarse en la sociedad.
I honestly believe that this book makes a harsh but deserved criticism of the hypocritical system that condemned citizens to go hungry while they got rich, and then condemned them to scorn when they were forced in some way to commit a crime, but even if a person was repentant and wanted to start a new life he realized that it was impossible. Society continued to see Valjean as a thief and denied him the opportunities he needed to vindicate himself, so what other choice did he have? He became precisely that, a thief, however Valjean found mercy in a priest he had ironically attacked, and it was precisely this noble act, this one act of humanity towards him that gave him back his faith in humanity, all was not lost, at least someone had seen in him a human being under all that blanket of misery and fear.
Creo honestamente que este libro hace una dura pero merecida crítica al sistema hipócrita que condenaba a los ciudadanos a pasar hambre mientras ellos se enriquecían, y luego los condenaban al escarnio cuando se veían forzados de alguna forma a delinquir, pero aún y cuando una persona se mostrara arrepentida y con deseos de comenzar una nueva vida se daba cuenta de que era imposible. La sociedad seguía viendo a Valjean como un ladrón y le negó las oportunidades que necesitaba para reivindicarse, así que ¿Qué otra opción tenía? se convirtió en eso precisamente, en un ladrón, sin embargo Valjean encontró misericordia en un sacerdote al que había atacado irónicamente, y fue precisamente este acto de noble, este único acto de humanidad hacia él el que le devolvió la fe en la humanidad, no todo estaba perdido, al menos alguien había visto en él a un ser humano bajo toda esa manta de miseria y miedo.
But this book not only emphasizes the life of the poor thief who found pity, but we see his evolution and even how he became someone completely different, he even became a distinguished mayor and owner of a factory, thus receiving deferential treatment, all this under a different name, so as not to be recognized, so that the hypocritical society would not hurt him again. We also know the sad story of Fantine, a beautiful young girl who falls in love with a scoundrel who leaves her pregnant and runs away, therefore, precisely because of the prejudices of society, in order to get a job she decides to leave her daughter in the care of a couple of innkeepers, The Thénardiers, who had a couple of daughters, and who were supposed to take care of the little girl while Fantine sent them money every month for her upkeep, but the evil couple mistreated the girl and relegated her to being their servant, asking Fantine for more and more money. The poor woman even went so far as to prostitute herself to obtain the exorbitant amounts of money that the Thénardiers requested for the care of their daughter, and obviously this action condemned her socially.
Pero este libro no solo enfatiza en la vida del pobre ladrón que encontró piedad, sino que vemos su evolución e incluso como llegó a transformarse en alguien completamente distinto, logró incluso convertirse en un distinguido alcalde y dueño de una fábrica, recibiendo de esta manera un trato deferente, todo esto bajo un nombre diferente, para no ser reconocido, para que la sociedad hipócrita no volviera a herirlo. Asimismo conocemos la triste historia de Fantine, una hermosa jovencita que se enamora de un canalla que la deja embarazada y huye, por lo tanto, precisamente debido a los prejuicios de la sociedad, para poder conseguir trabajo decide dejar a su hijita al cuidado de una pareja de posaderos, los Thénardier, que tenían un par de hijas, y que supuestamente cuidarían a la pequeña mientras que Fantine les enviaba dinero cada mes para su manutención, pero la malvada pareja maltrataba a la niña y la relegaron a ser su sirvienta, pidiéndole a Fantine cada vez más y más dinero. La pobre mujer llega incluso al punto de prostituirse para obtener las exorbitantes cantidades de dinero que los Thénardier le solicitaban para el cuidado de su hija y obviamente esta acción la condenó socialmente.
During the novel we discover that there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor: prejudice, few opportunities for education and work, social rejection, in short, everything that eventually leads to a collective discontent that in turn leads to a mass insubordination of the working class, something that was not uncommon in French society that had already had a great revolution where they abolished the monarchy.
Durante la novela descubrimos que hay una brecha enorme entre los ricos y los pobres: los prejuicios, las pocas oportunidades de educación y trabajo, el rechazo social, en fin, todo lo que finalmente conduce a un descontento colectivo que a su vez conlleva a una insubordinación en masa de la clase obrera, algo que no resultaba raro en la sociedad francesa que ya había tenido una gran revolución donde abolieron la monarquía.
Before I say goodbye, friends I would like to wholeheartedly recommend this novel to you because it is not only about prejudice and hypocrisy, because we also find pity and understanding in characters like Monsignor Myriel who in spite of everything saw in Valjean a good person, so it doesn't become a frustrating story, you also get satisfactions like beacons in the middle of the darkness.
Antes de despedirme, amigos me gustaría de todo corazón recomendarles altamente esta novela ya que no solo es acerca de prejuicios e hipocresía, pues también encontramos la piedad y la comprensión en personajes como Monseñor Myriel que a pesar de todo vio en Valjean a una buena persona, así que no se vuelve una historia frustrante, también consigues satisfacciones como faros en medio de la oscuridad.
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The pics on this post are by my own
Las fotografías de este post son de mi propiedad.
This books sounds so good. I'm astonished. So Jean went from not being a human to society anymore to being a mayor?
I like books like these that make the evil deeds of society known because a lot of evil and inhumane things actually happens in real life and not just books. Books just make them known and spreads the message more.
That's true, books, even if they are fiction, are a reflection of reality and of what happens every day. That's right, I also like this kind of books very much, also because it gives you a great satisfaction to know that after being execrated from society, he was able to reach a high position, although later he has to go through many vicissitudes.
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Thanks a lot 😃