
Do you have more books in your TBR... I know thats a silly question i'm sure you do... xD I have adhd so im reading too many books at once im like GIVE THEM ALL TO ME!!!!!!!!!!

Umm YES!! I have a TBR so long, that if I bought all of those books, it could fill a small house, top to bottom 😂 Are you on Goodreads? Maybe we can stalk each other's TBRs and steal some recommendations 🙈

I am on storygraph not a huge fan of goodreads... Do you have a storygraph i like how story graph is not a huge app that is run by amazon. I find my webtoons i like on there as well and different versions of books. It also tracks my audio book progress and that is something i really like too!

No i don't. But I'll definitely check out the app !