Manifestation: simple steps that work


I remember my first thought when I first heard of manifestation- that thought was that it can’t be true. After watching multiple guided manifestations, tips on visualisations I decided to try it and now I know there is no going back.

Steps that always work for me and are the easiest to get into:

  1. Truly feel deep down in your soul what you desire, put aside any boundaries
  2. Write about your desire in the present tense with as much detail as you can (while feeling on an emotional level like you already have it)
  3. After writing try to forget about your wish
  4. When you are in lots of positive energy you can remember how wonderful it would be for your wish to come true and express gratitude as if you would already have it

I love how simple this is, but it's so true! I feel like the real problem kicks in when people have a certain desire that is difficult to feel it or believe it deep down, and/or they don't know how to forget it and let it go. I know I've had this issue with bigger wishes I've tried to tackle. Have you ever been able to manifest a really big desire that was kind of "impossible" in your mind otherwise?

I was able to manifest a wish which was in a very uncertain situation and I did have thoughts that made me think thats its impossible to come true. What helped me with tackling these thoughts is going on walks alone in the forest and trying to build a trusting relationship with the univerese. Once you understand that everything is on your side & that it works out in the best way you will not have thoughts that it is impossible.