I used to be like that as well when I was younger. I often got many answers wrong because I was always going through too fast and not taking my time. It's not that I didn't know the content or the concepts, I just rushed through it and found myself at a deficit because of it. I'm pretty lucky that my wife is a bit of a minimalist, so we don't often find ourselves spending money on some of the unnecessary things that many others do. We aren't perfect though, so occasionally we throw money away.
Throwing money away is fine I think, at least at some points. There are lessons in that also, and good reminders - plus some fun and enjoyment. However, shouldn't the economy be set up so that we can get the benefits of throwing it away, but also on something useful? Shouldn't all the other purchases add to our wellbeing, rather than just keep our heads above water in an economy designed for weal, not wellbeing?
Yes, that would be great in a perfect world, but things are so immensely broken right now.
Incredibly broken. It is like so broken, it is amazing anyone is able to live at all. This is the real miracle of life! :D
I know. I am probably about one major disaster away from living in my trailer full time. Not in a good way!