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RE: Advice and multiplication

in Finance and Economy16 hours ago

I wish I had been given that advice when I was younger and then took it. Investing and multiple sources of income and those types of things were all foreign to me as a youngster. Luckily I invested a good deal in my later years and it has saved my ass. Multiple sources of income however has alluded me. I just never seemed to be able to get other businesses off the ground even though I gave some a try. Well, if I am honest, the last time, I didn't really try as I think I had failed in my mind before I started and only was in it half heartedly.

Love Lady A, Good choice!


We all take time to learn and some never do; even those of us who learn along the way are not guaranteed of success. Life can be difficult however I think the most important thing is the we keep on trying even when things become difficult.

Becca 🌷

The good thing is I learned to invest and save a lot. It saved our butt when I had to retire early. Maybe it is not to late to figure out another source of income as well. :-)