French Moderate Imam Receives Death Threats Over Support for Macron 😯

in Atheism4 years ago (edited)

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One of France's highest-profile moderate imams has appealed to President Emmanuel Macron for increased police protection after receiving "thousands" of death threats over his condemnation of terrorist attacks. Hassen Chalghoumi, an imam in the Paris suburb of Drancy, said he had received a torrent of new threats since he spoke out against the beheading of Samuel Paty last month. Mr. Chalghoumi had described Paty, the teacher murdered after showing his class cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, as a "martyr for freedom of expression." One threat called on believers to "execute him because he is filthier than those French infidels." Another said in Arabic, "we urge true Muslims of France to allow Chalghoumi to join the history teacher and also become a martyr of the nation."

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Source: French Moderate Imam Receives Death Threats Over Support for Macron

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Let's keep working and contributing ideas to grow at Hive! ... Happy Afternoon.Hi @atheistrepublic… I have chosen your post on “-French Moderate Imam Receives Death Threats Over Support for Macron -” for my daily re-blog initiative.

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thank you very much for sharing information, have a good day and a great mood

thank you for the news, have a nice day