Leelawati Devi agreed to cook food for people isolated in a school-turned-quarantine-center.
Two of the students stuck in isolation leave twice a day to walk home and eat, then come back
to the center for isolation. Why would these students leave if they have a cook working in the
center? They say it’s because they won’t eat food prepared by a Dalit. This discrimination is
happening all over India. Police were informed about the two students and think maybe it’s not
discrimination, it could just be an excuse because they don’t like the flavor of the food.
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Source: Untouchability, even in quarantine
Location: India
▶️ 3Speak
Honestly, my opinion is mixed. Because I do not see where the problem is that it is cooked by a Dalit: it is in no case a problem! Maybe kids just don't like food? I don’t know...
Well i dont think it's about the flavour of the food but pure discrimination. And i wonder why one have to discriminate when life is involved. To me its funny.
Good works
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Caste systems, like any other form of discrimination based on anything but the"content of [the person's] character", are despicable and deserve condemnation.
I do not know much about the history and culture of India, except for basic events we learn in college and as cross references in historical and cultural research, so I do not know the details of how these castes are formed or determined; I ignore if there are racial features that make it impossible for a given person to lie about their caste, but I think that the fact that India is a predominantly religious nation (despite it being a secular State and having freedom of religion as a constitutional right) makes it more problematic for any anti discrimination law to be enforced and for people to just ignore the arbitrariness of caste distinctions.
As Christopher Hitchens put it, "religious poisons everything", more so when it is practiced in an overpopulated region where every sect or church has the alleged right to give free reign to their convinctions.
PS. I think you should seriously consider sending Subham money for a new mic/headphone. It's really hard to hear him. :)
It's discrimination! Did the children receive no education? In addition, they risk infecting others when they return home.
I'm not sure I understood. Leelawati Devi a man with a big heart offers to cook (certainly free of charge) for this quarantine center and confined children allow themselves to return home to go to eat because supposedly they do not want to eat food prepared by a Dalit ( which is discrimination) and when they return home, they risk infecting people!
It's scandalous.
Stupidity and Racism: its not just for Americans anymore!
This is clearly discrimination. The life and health of children is paramount.