The offices of Porta dos Fundos, the production company behind the Netflix satire
suggesting Jesus was gay, was bombed on Christmas Eve, according to a report. The
company's Rio de Janeiro headquarters was "hit by a Molotov cocktail attack" on Tuesday
morning, Variety reported. According to the outlet, a fire broke out after "two petrol bombs" were thrown at the building. Porta dos Fundos released a statement following the incident, confirming no injuries had been reported. However, the company stated the attack "endangered several innocent lives" of staffers and civilians on the street, Variety said.
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Source: Creators of gay Jesus Netflix special bombed in Christmas Eve terrorist attack: report
Location: Brazil
- Song: Michel Angio - Laugh (Edit by Ender Guney)
- Laugh promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE
▶️ 3Speak
Is the Christian church really that threatened by a TV show? I think they need to look at their own people who do their reputation harm with corruption and child abuse. It seems some Christians just enjoy being outraged, but this sort of violence is totally unacceptable and should be prosecuted. People could have died. I know they take 'thou shalt not kill' with conditions.
As the century will progress people will take more and more liberty with the religion.....
There is no difference in the mindset of Muslim fundamentalists killing infidels and the perpetrators of this cocktail attack on the Porta dos Fundos headquarters. The rationale is always the same: I don't allow you to think so differently than me regarding religion so I will use violence against you.
Posted using Partiko Android
I believe in freedom of speech, therefore I condemn the reaction of those Christian fundamentalist who attacked the studio's office.
Obviously, I am not surprise. We want to think that this kind of reaction is proper of other religions, we forget Christianity is based on a holy book that shares many passages with the so-called radical and intolerant religions.
That being said, I find the idea of paroding Christ in that light utterly pointless and of poor taste.
Freedom of speech should be wisely used. It should contribute to shedding light over murky matters or the improvement of human relations. Obviously, there will be times when exposing a truth will cause more turmoil than understanding, for obvious reasons, especially if those truth pertain to religious matters; I don't think a movie about a gay Jesus would be in that category.
They should use their talents and resources more wisely.
Porta dos Fundos invited this on themselves, in reality they've chosen to be controversial to sell their movie but it's turn out wrongly because people have taken their choice of movie in bad light. Although I don't support what happened to them but in reality we should learn to be less controversial when things like religion are put in contention.
Since when is responding with violence expected and accepted behaviour? They didn’t bring this on themselves. Supposedly good Christian or Catholic people decided that acting with violence was acceptable according to their religion.
To be blunt, to think that anyone brought a fire bombing onto themselves because they created something mildly controversial is pathetic.
That's why I wrote here
Although I don't support what happened to them
I'm not in support either, but what they did could have been avoidable, I condemn the people who did the bombing and they should be prosecuted but I feel no remorse for Porta dos Fundos
God gave us a wonderful gift and it is free will, when we use it sometimes we do not realize that we judge others without realizing it and that does not belong to us. On the other hand, no religion is good, even the Bible says that true religion is to care for the widow and the needy. Jesus did not come to found a religion but calls us to have a relationship with him. Dude, you're free to believe whatever you want.

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