Man Files Lawsuit Claiming Veganism as a "Religious Belief" 😮

in Atheism5 years ago

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A man who claims he was fired for being a vegan has now filed a lawsuit that will force a
judge to determine if veganism is considered a "philosophical or religious belief." Jordi Casamitjana, who lives in the United Kingdom, claims he was fired from his job at the League Against Cruel Sports over his “ethical vegan” beliefs, the BBC reports. He later filed a discrimination lawsuit against the organization, which is a charity group focused on animal welfare, that will be decided in front of an employment tribunal starting on Thursday. If the panel rules in Casamitjana’s favor, it will officially establish veganism as a “philosophical or religious belief” under the U.K.’s Equality Act 2010.

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Source: Vegan man files discrimination case claiming veganism is a "religious belief"

Location: United Kingdom

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Veganism is a personal philosophy as you say. So it seems he was not actually fired for being vegan. The problem is that employers cannot cater for every such personal belief. Disrupting the business of your employer is a problem. It's not a black and white issue, but people have to compromise somewhere.

It looks like people are pushing some life choices to hard-to-follow extremes.
If veganism can fit into the definition of religious beliefs, then the sky is the limit for what may come next.
I saw what seemed like a meme today of a man sort of disguised as a dog who allegedly claims to be "transpecies" or something like that. I know now the term is not new. It was new to me.
I think that in the past scientist went to the extreme or treating certain normal behaviors as diseases, now it looks like we are moving in the exact opposite direction.

Beliefs are always religious.....reality is science and belief is is just a matter of time, once a belief gain numbers it will become religion.....

Boy have we gotten all messed up about the differences among philosophy, religion, science and just good old mundane understandings of right and wrong.

I think philosophical beliefs do deserve the same protections as religious beliefs. It's odd that this guy's philosophical beliefs are in line with the nature of the business, animal rights, yet they are supposed to have fired him for his beliefs. Something has to have been left out of this account, as you suggest. What did he DO to promote his beliefs? Was it disruptive to the work environment? If he was simply questioning the pension fund investment, he could have made a choice to not invest, no? Or to simply leave his job. I do not understand people who choose to remain and rock the boat. Of course, change comes from such actions, but is it always positive change? How many others in his organization have been "harmed" by this? There's really not enough information presented here to know if he is justified or not.

While this decision bodes well for, say, vaccine choice proponents of which I am one, it also confuses everything.

We are currently expected to believe science above all else, as if science itself is a sort of god. I am not a religious person, but I see many similarities in thought and actions between those who base their decisions on scientific pronouncements and those who base decisions on the purported words of their chosen gods. Fanatics can come from all belief systems.

I'm for far fewer laws in all things. I am for far less reliance on scientific pronouncements, which have often led to laws that harm us little folk. I'm for leaving a job if you do not believe in the organization's actions or purpose, and opposed to causing a stink over minutiae, which I suspect this to be. I'm for all of us getting a grip, and for the law staying out of my personal decisions.