New Zealand Police Introduce Hijab to Uniform 👮‍♀️

in Atheism4 years ago (edited)

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New Zealand Police have recently introduced the hijab into their official uniform to encourage more Muslim women to join. A spokesperson for the department said they aimed to create an "inclusive" service that reflects its "diverse community." Work to develop the hijab for the New Zealand Police uniform began in 2018, in response to police staff requests. Constable Zeena Ali will become the first officer to wear the official hijab. She said, "it feels great to be able to go out and show the New Zealand Police hijab as part of my uniform. I think that seeing it, more Muslim women will want to join as well."

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Source: New Zealand Police introduce hijab to uniform

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Saludos @atheistrepublic, es bueno tener buena presencia sobre todo cuando se representa un organismo gubernamental… Gracias por la información, Feliz día.

Greetings @atheistrepublic, it is good to have a good presence especially when representing a government body ... Thanks for the information, Happy day.

Hola @atheistrepublic, Un detalle muy justo para estas representantes de la ley… Gran vídeo.

I have no issue with this. Wearing your preferred garb in public is a matter of personal preference, and doesn't interfere with the day to day duties of the profession.

finally, the girls were dressed in a beautiful uniform, thank you very much for the exchange

great form, thanks for sharing

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Let's keep working and supporting each other to grow at Hive! ...Hola @atheistrepublic… He elegido este video sobre “-La policía de Nueva Zelanda presenta el hijab al uniforme-” para mi iniciativa diaria de reblogear. Hello @atheistrepublic… I have chosen this video on “-New Zealand Police Introduce Hijab to Uniform-” for my daily reblog initiative.
