Armin reviews an Islamic video. This is followed by a Q&A with the live chat.
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▶️ 3Speak
Well, as you say, at least they are coherent with the assumption that (their) god is responsible for everything that happens and in this case, this guys interprets the virus as a blessing.
Some christians, too, believe that everything that happens happens because god wants. If the thing is bad, those christians just look for ways to justify them either as tests or punishments.
I also agree with you his voice was kind of phony, the typical impersonation to catch followers, a wolf in disguise.
I think everyone should be on guard before anyone speaking like this, whther it is a teacher,a psychologist, a politician or your own parents.
It is a pity we live in time of great uncertainty and opacity, despite all the technology that promised us inmediate access to knwoledge. It would be great to know who the fuck created this damn virus (if this was some wacko pet project) so that we could respond to the ideologically-motivated allegations that are being made in either direction (USA-China).
I imagine this is very exciting time for religious groups, especially those fundamental religious groups.
I see religious people out on the streets a lot at the moment, hoping to take advantage of anyone feeling vulnerable during these times.
There's something very sick about religious groups attempting to take advantage of the vulnerable. And this chap in your video is definitely a fake and wanting to take advantage of the weak.
Every flavor of religion is taking credit for Covid-19. Extremists from all faiths claiming that Covid is here to punish man for some sin or another.
There are many interesting theories, unfortunately we will probably never know who is right. I think we will never be the source of the virus.
In troubled times, always will be found people to use the religious wave to instill panic and achieve their interests.