Three Boys Accused of Stealing to Have Fingers Amputated in Iran 😓

in Atheism4 years ago (edited)

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Three teenage boys accused of stealing will have their fingers amputated as part of their horrific punishment. The three prisoners - Hadi Rostami, Mehdi Sharafian and Mehdi Shahivand - will have four fingers from their right hands sawn off. Iran's Islamic penal code says theft "on the first occasion" is punishable by the amputation of four fingers of the right hand. Nargess Tavalossian, legal analyst and journalist at Iran International TV, said: “Amputation as a form of punishment is rare in Iran. To have this type of punishment, there are 13 rules that all need to apply for the judge to order an amputation. However, judges usually avoid issuing such punishment by saying that 12 out of the 13 rules are met and amputation is therefore not required.” Despite attempts to appeal the decision, Supreme Court judges this week upheld the verdict.

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Source: Three boys accused of stealing to have fingers AMPUTATED in Iran

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it seems to me that this is too harsh a punishment

Without a doubt they should punish crimes but never exercising that punishment in a criminal way ...

Ahhhh.... Islam. Religion of peace.

Que locura que todavía existan leyes tan radicales y aun peor que todavía existan personas que quieran ejercerlas.

How crazy that there are still such radical laws and even worse that there are still people who want to exercise them.