Outrage is growing in Myanmar after the emergence of a 12-minute pornographic video shot in Bagan, the country’s best-known tourist spot and Unesco heritage site featuring thousands of revered Buddhist pagodas. The video was posted on PornHub by users who described themselves as a 23-year-old Italian couple. The couple’s naked antics against the backdrop of one of Bagan’s ancient pagodas have provoked an angry reaction in Myanmar, with condemnation spreading online.
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Source: Burmese anger grows over pornographic video shot at Buddhist site
Location: Myanmar
▶️ 3Speak
I do not see why they have to shoot a porn video in a place considered sacred by a partiular group. I must confess I admire the nerves of whoever did it.
That's what my grandmother would call asking for a shit rain.
The idea that by being scandalous or outrageous sells better is kind of twisted. Most celebrities actually engage in this philosophy: bad publicity is better than no publicity.
I think that one of the few things most countries around the world agree on is the unacceptability of public nakeness, let alone public sex (or sex in public places). If these places happen to be sacred or highly respected by the inhabitants of a given area, I do not se the point of provoking a reaction that they know will be negative and even agressive.
Of course, it is possible for porn creators to have a couple havings sex basically anywhere with the help of some special effects. It would be interesting to consider whether the film would be equally offensive or protested if it had not actually been shot on site.
Everything is advertising or simplicity, but they should not make fun of the sacred places of people, regardless of their religion.
acting a porn on a religious ground created for a particular religion can be considered wrong because it is more like intruding into their religion and disrespecting them,but if the placed used for acting of the porn is not majorly meant for any particular religion then i won't really say is totally wrong...
some of these porn directors can be mean sometimes...i guess the porn director wanted the video to be controversial so that the video can be popular but i see that as a wrong way to make your video trend....