Chard tamales - tamales de acelgas

in Plant Power (Vegan)2 years ago (edited)


Wonderful and blessed day for the whole beehive family, today I want to share with you another different way to consume chard, this recipe was taught to me by my mother, where we substitute the famous banana leaf for chard leaves, when we go shopping. we must choose the largest chard leaves so that when assembling the tamales it is more comfortable to assemble the chard tamale, my mother taught us from childhood to consume this vegetable since it is good for regulating our blood circulation and raising our defenses, for below amounts. that are indicated in the recipe is to prepare three tamales, I hope you are encouraged to prepare the recipe.

Maravilloso y bendecido día para toda la familia Hive, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes otra forma diferente de consumir acelgas, esta receta me la enseñó mi madre, donde sustituimos la famosa hoja de plátano por hojas de acelgas, cuando vamos de compras. debemos elegir las hojas de acelgas más grandes para que al momento de armar los tamales sea más cómodo armar el tamal de acelgas, mi mamá nos enseñó desde pequeños a consumir esta verdura ya que es buena para regular nuestra circulación sanguínea y subir nuestras defensas.




To prepare the stew, place the two tablespoons of oil in the pan, the grated big big onion, the two finely chopped long onion stalks, three grated ripe tomatoes, add the tablespoon of paprika and the tablespoon of salt, leave on the stove until they are cooked and thickened

Para preparar el guiso, colocamos en la sartén las dos cucharadas de aceite, la cebolla cabezona grande rallada, los dos tallos de cebolla larga finamente picados, tres tomates maduros rallados, añadimos la cucharada de pimentón y la cucharada de sal, dejamos en la estufa hasta lograr que se cocinen y espese.


In a container we mix a cup of arepa flour, half a well of water, a can of precooked carrots and peas and two tablespoons of chopped parsley.
apart in a saucepan we cook six yellow potatoes split in half with little water and reserve.

En un recipiente mezclamos una taza de harina de arepa, medio pocillo de agua, una lata de zanahorias y arvejas precocidas y las dos cucharadas de perejil picado.
aparte en una cacerola cocinamos seis papas amarillas partidas por la mitad con poca agua y reservamos.


Spread the chard leaf well on a plate and add a tablespoon of stew.

Extiende bien la hoja de acelgas en un plato y añade una cucharada de guiso.


Then we put a large spoonful of the mixture that we made with the cornmeal and the vegetables on the chard leaf, on top we place two slices of yellow potato.

Luego ponemos sobre la hoja de acelga una cucharada grande de la mezcla que hicimos con la harina de maíz y las verduras, encima colocamos dos rodajas de papa amarilla.


Fold the chard leaves, covering all the stuffing, place them upside down in the pan, keeping in mind that the veins are facing up, put a lid on them and leave them on low heat for 15 minutes.

Dobla las hojas de acelgas cubriendo todo el relleno, colócalas boca abajo en la sartén teniendo en cuenta que las venas queden hacia arriba, tapalas y déjalas a fuego lento durante 15 minutos.


Ready after 15 minutes of being on the stove, we prepare to eat this delicious and nutritious tamale. This time we accompany it with brown rice with golden angel hair and a salad of melon, carrot, Batavia lettuce, and olive oil.
Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular realme c3.

Listo después de 15 minutos de estar en la estufa, nos preparamos para comer este delicioso y nutritivo tamal. En esta ocasión lo acompañamos de arroz integral con cabello de ángel dorado y una ensalada de melón, zanahoria, lechuga Batavia y aceite de oliva.
Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular realme c3.


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#plantpowervegan #food #vegan #recipe #lifestyle #foodphotography #plantbased #crueltyfree #vegetables #foodies


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Good morning @aichel, welcome back to the Plant Power (Vegan) community. We see that you have brought a delicious dish, chard is a very versatile vegetable that can be prepared in various ways, and this recipe that you bring is great.

However, for the purposes of understanding the recipe, for any reader, it can be somewhat confusing, since you do not provide a list of ingredients, nor do you present a well-developed step by step. For this reason, we present a post below, which may be useful for you to prepare recipe posts. We would appreciate it if you read it carefully and consider applying the suggestions expressed therein, in future food posts.

Have a good weekend.

Good afternoon, thank you very much for the comments, I saw the post you suggested and I made the changes, I hope I find it well done, please review and tell me, God bless you and have a happy weekend and thank you. For being aware of the things I need to improve, a hug.

You can do bilingual posts too.

Most of our cooking skills Is been learnt from our mother.
You have some a great work dear friend
Thanks for sharing us

Good morning @harhess thank you very much for reading my post and for your comment, you are absolutely right, our mothers always made sure to teach their knowledge and tricks in the preparation of delicious and healthy food, a blessed day for you and your family.

Thank you my dear friend