
Well, we have a taste in common. I hope you were able to get the soursop and that it was delicious. Soursop leaves are good as a relaxant and help sleep.😍

Soursops are back on the markets. Bought some earlier this week!!! In soursop heaven lol. Thanks for the tip about the leaves. Will try for my hubby. I, myself am an excellent sleeper. I only have to think about my pillow and I am vast asleep lol. Do you just use them as tea before bed? Have a beautiful day!

daughter and son-in-law who are doctors, continued to give him medication to get it down without success. Rather, perhaps his nerves rose again, because he also had dizziness and had fallen and hit his head.Hi @amy-goodrich, thank you so much for letting me know the good news about guabábanas. I'm glad you were able to buy, I'm very happy. Yes, I think the best time to drink soursop leaf tea is before bedtime. I'm usually good at sleeping too haha, I think that's a blessing. I tell you that 9 days ago my father-in-law had a very ugly blood pressure surge on 11/21. It cost him a lot to download it. I was the one who took his blood pressure the first few times and administered captopril twice, then his

They left him recovering, trying to calm him down to see if his tension went down, and nothing. I told my sister-in-law that when my mom's blood pressure goes up because of nerves, it only goes down when they give her an anxiolytic, but there was nothing to give her. So I asked my mother-in-law if I could get mint, basil or soursop leaves. So, thank God, she told me that she had basil and a neighbor had a guabánaba plant. We made him a tea with both leaves. Previously, the blood pressure dropped from 11/21 to 10/20 then to 9/17 and then went back up to 10/19. After he had tea, about half an hour later his blood pressure was 15/8 💞