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RE: Why I Stopped Eating Meat Over 30 Years Ago.

I've stopped consuming animal products for 7 years now but it's been around 18 years that I haven't had meat. I found ways to justify seafood and actually quit eggs and dairy before seafood.

When I was a kid I remember chewing on steak and realizing that it was meat, but I put it out of my mind. I wish I could go back in time and follow my instincts.

I am inspired by your healthy views and lifestyle. I'm not nearly as disciplined but as far as fried vegan food and sugar goes, I try to keep that to a once in a while thing. There is much room for improvement in my diet. I have never felt better eating a plant based diet but for me it's about leaving the animals alone. I stopped riding horses as well and I used to be a young equestrian obsessed with riding.

I know many that say the vegan diet isn't working for them. I also know that these people ate vegan fried chicken, burgers and pizza refusing to eat fruits, vegetables and drink water. There are a few obese vegans that I know and it bothers me that people think they represent.

Thanks for your wonderful post.


Hey @carolynstahl Yes I agree with your points. And yes those representing vegans whilst eating processed, fried food is definitely not a clear definition of what it truly means to be plant-based and healthy.

I feel so similar to you about justifying still eating 'some' animal products and now feel so much better without and have so much compassion with all fellow species on our beautiful earth.
