Hello, dear community! I am very happy to be here again. I was a little lost for time, but whenever I can, I will be sharing delicious recipes with you.
I live in Venezuela, a beautiful tropical country, and although we are currently in a season of endless rains, there is a terrible heat wave, so accompanying the afternoon with a delicious ice cream is the ideal thing to do.
Although it is not good to consume it regularly because, as we all know, commercial ice creams have a high content of fats, sugars and chemicals that are not good for our health, natural fruit ice creams must also have their limits because ice cream without sugar is not ice cream, so we must take care of that.
That's why I bring you an incredible recipe for creamy chocolate ice cream without any harmful ingredients for the organism, but be careful with the portions.
This is the easiest ice cream in the world to make, and it only takes two ingredients:
banana and cocoa powder
I grabbed 1 Kg of banana, chopped it into pieces, and took it to the freezer. Once frozen, I passed it to the blender with two tablespoons of cocoa powder (pure chocolate).
Finally, I packed and refrigerated again. The result was a rich, creamy and sweet chocolate ice cream because the banana gives it that texture and since it is so sweet, there is really no need to add any sugar.
I love this ice cream because I am a fan of chocolate, as you can see in my previous posts, and I think it is an excellent option to give to children and teach them from an early age to eat healthy to avoid so many diseases that are triggered by bad eating habits.
I invite you to replicate this recipe and let me know how it goes.
I declare that the published material is my property, the photos were taken from my cell phone, a Redmi Poco M3.
Both the images and the banner were edited by me in CANVA PRO.

Hola @lavilorio, que bueno verte haciendo tus recetas! Este helado es bastante saludable y muy sabroso, además de práctico y económico.
Queríamos hacerte dos recomendaciones:
Que por favor coloques una lista de ingredientes, con sus respectivas cantidades.
Sería muy bonito ver la receta ya emplatada, en este caso, el helado servido en una taza, copa o plato, esto anima más a las personas a replicar tu receta.
A continuación, te compartimos una publicación, en donde ofrecemos algunas sugerencias para los posts en la comunidad.
Saludos, espero te encuentres bien.
sí coloqué en la descripción
1 kg de cambur o banana
2 cucharadas de cacao en polvo, esos fueron los dos únicos ingredientes que utilicé y pues, realmente el helado me lo comí en la misma taza que mostré ☺️
Gracias por tus recomendaciones 😊
Delegations welcome!
Gracias 😁