Saludos comunidad de HIVE, me veo en la necesidad de escribir este post, ya que por descuido hice una publicación en la cual olvidé colocar la fuente. Aprovecho para disculparme con la comunidad y hacer incapie del uso correcto de las fuentes que usamos para ampliar nuestro contenido, cuando no se coloca la fuente, la comunidad puede asumir que el Post es un plagio, ya que no se le está dando reconocimiento al contenido original.
En mi caso, reconozco que no coloque la fuente, el motivo realmente fue por olvido, nunca fue mi intención hacer un plagio. Aprovecho este post para que sirva de experiencia para los nuevos usuarios, ya que es muy usual recurrir en este descuido.
La fuente es muy importante y no debe de obviarse., ya que pudieses caer en una lista negra, quedando en silencio durante nte 60 días aproximadamente, quedando oculto para los curadores.
Por lo tanto nuevamente quiero hacer público este post y pedir disculpa a la comunidad de HIVE, tendré en cuenta las sugerencias para no volver a caer en este error.
Greetings HIVE community, I feel the need to write this post, since I carelessly made a publication in which I forgot to place the source. I take this opportunity to apologize to the community and make incapie of the correct use of the sources we use to expand our content, when the source is not placed, the community can assume that the Post is a plagiarism, since it is not giving recognition to the original content.
In my case, I recognize that I did not put the source, the reason really was by forgetfulness, it was never my intention to make a plagiarism. I take advantage of this post to serve as an experience for new users, since it is very common to resort to this oversight.
The source is very important and should not be ignored, since you could fall in a blacklist, remaining silent for approximately 60 days, being hidden for the curators.
Therefore again I want to make public this post and apologize to the HIVE community, I will take into account the suggestions to not fall into this mistake again.
¿Pero ya agregaste la fuente que te faltó?
Si ya lo hice
No plagiarism is accepted in this community, neither text nor photographs @lesliekat. Exact copying is plagiarism, it is not citing any author; and even if you put the source at the end, if you do not analyze what you are extracting, it is plagiarism.
Also, I doubt that it was carelessness, since it was several sources from which with complete accuracy, you copied and pasted several pieces of text. It's not that you can't use third party information, it's that you can't copy exactly, but analyze the data you use from those sources. On the other hand, as I already indicated, in this community it is forbidden to use text or photos that are not of your authorship.