That plate looks like happiness 😁 It's a feast! Now I'm feeling so sorry that I chopped all of the cauliflower; next time I'll make steaks. I'm dying to try the mushroom and parsley gravy.
I don't talk to my scale anymore. She was being a pain in the neck lately; so we gave each other some space 😌 I ate pasta last night and then I was morally hangovered this morning. And I'm craving your food now.
I loved seeing another beautiful and delicious dish. Thank you so much for sharing it here. Big hug, my friend 💚😁❤️
I don't get pasta hangovers. Scales are demons sitting on the floor haha.
I had many florets from the cauliflower but a cauli steak is satisfying.
Thank you for your visit and lovely words. Hugs and a great night.❤️