First Many thanks for you
Showed a great feeling towards animals. Also all people in different parts of the world including your country should have love for animals. Just as you love animals, I continue my efforts above all else. But some people in different parts of our Bangladesh feel bad when they see an unknown animal and harm the animal severely. Which I never like. This presentation and extraordinary skill of yours will save the animals above all else. Photo Mark has arranged all photo sources with great skill. But any other animal on the planet should be loved with respect. I respect all your words. Also, thank you very much for showing such great sensitivity towards animals.
best regard @mdakash62
It is a mistake to harm an animal due to ignorance or fear. It is best to respect the animal. Animals are beings that feel emotions, and even have thoughts too, and deserve respect and compassion. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment, and sorry for the late response. Greetings @mdakash62