Hi vegan lovers, it's great to be back sharing vegan recipes, this time I want to participate in the Hive Top Cheff competition which has a Leaf theme. Well because in my area there are so many uses of leaves as delicious food. I especially love the classic curry made from katuk leaves and moringa leaves with a combination of young bananas as a complement.
Katuk leave And Moringa Leaves Curry Recipe My Grand Mother
This curry is utilizing my grandmother's classic recipe, she used to make this leaf curry for family lunches, combining the leaf curry with white rice as a complete family lunch at home. So the preparation of leaves is not at all unfamiliar to me and my family, let alone the abundant natural products from the leaves around our yard. We deliberately plant these leaves because there are so many benefits. Besides being able to be cooked as a side dish, these leaves are often used as medicine by my mother.
(Sauropus androgynus)
(Moringa oleifera)
Katuk leaves and Moringa leaves are 2 leaves that have different shapes but have a pretty good taste. Katuk leaves are usually often consumed by breastfeeding mothers to launch breast milk while moringa leaves are made as high blood pressure medicine or others. Well this moringa leaf itself has a pungent odor but when cooked this leaf can be used as a substitute for flavoring in dishes. It tastes very sweet and savory and it makes the dish very delicious.
Here I will invite you to cook katuk leaves and moringa leaves with my grandmother's classic curry spices.
Ingredients Used
50 grams moringa leaves
50 grams of katuk leaves
1 stalk of curry leaves
6 young banana fruits
200 ml thick fresh coconut milk
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon coriander
2 cm turmeric
10 pieces of cayenne pepper
4 pieces of sunti acid
Cooking Procedure
I prepared the katuk leaves and banana first, and peeled off the hard outer skin. This process will be very gummy so I recommend you wear gloves.
Thinly slice the young bananas, then wash them thoroughly in a saline solution to prevent them from getting gummy.
Add the banana and moringa leaves and katuk leaves to the pan as well as the curry leaves, then add the spices.
Add the coconut milk so I add about 200 ml of water so it's not too thick.
Cook until cooked, until the sauce boils. Don't forget to season with salt and correct the taste.
Classic curry with green nuances from moringa and katuk leaves is ready to be enjoyed, served in your favorite bowl with warm white rice. Experience the natural nuances of this special curry with a variety of leaves from nature that are rich in benefits. The combination of common ingredients creates a special dish at home. Many people love this dish because it is now very difficult to find such a simple dish in restaurants. Even moringa and katuk leaves are hard to find in the city. Therefore, living in the countryside with natural products like this is indeed something to be grateful for. A delicious bowl of simplicity is always a welcome addition to the dining table.
You can modify this recipe if you don't want a green curry like this, you can add red chili or chili powder to make the color brighter.
The taste is unmistakable, the natural sweet-savory combination of katuk leaves makes this dish unnecessary to add any broth. I really like this flavor, the taste that is most missed at home, if grandma still has this dish is definitely a dish that is never rare.
About The Author
Welcome to this blog, I have a real name "Nurul", who comes from Indonesia. I have several hobbies, reading, writing, gardening, I also love food and cooking, even art related. And the most interesting one is spending the whole day traveling. From those hobbies, I will share some inspiring content for all of you, I hope you like my blog, please support and reblog this post if you like it!
I never bet leafs can be so useful and versatile, by the way lovely recipe as always 😍😍
The humble leaf sometimes makes us forget that it can create delicious meals in a bowl alone and that there are so many benefits to it that we don't know about!
Thank you for dropping by @noemilunastorta ❤️
Thus not only looks delicious, but really healthy. Thank you for sharing your recipes, always healthy and well presented!
Thank you very much for visiting my post dear, have a nice day!
Delegations welcome! You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive!
Thank you for curation my post @plantpoweronhive .
Looks so yummy 👍👍❤️❤️
Thank you for dropping by @piyamas