Good morning. I see that it is the first time that you publish in this community. Also, when reviewing your blog, I noticed that you have not made a presentation post in the blockchain, for this reason I suggest you do it in the community of your choice.
In that post, you must include photos of yourself, indicate how you found out about Hive, talk about your interests, what type of content you will publish on your blog.
Regarding this particular community, since we are verifying new users, it is mandatory that you appear in photographs, whether they are preparing your recipes or on the site that you are presenting in your review or gastronomic experience.
On the other hand, regarding this particular post, there is nothing to tell me that this burger is vegan. I don't see ads for the establishment you went to, nor do I see the menu. Might as well be a non-vegan burger. I suggest you make your posts more complete.
Below I share some publications that will be useful for you to publish in this community. I appreciate the reading, and if you have any questions, you can ask the team.
Hello this is the official website and instagram of veganburg.
Official Website:
You can see the same wrappers and the burgers/sides on both sites.
@plantpoweronhive thanks for the pointers 😀
okay i will try to appear on my blog (but i am photo-shy)
Perhaps you are not familiar with the way Hive works. I advise you to avoid using links to external sites. It is not convenient to use them.
On the other hand, in the blockchain your content is valued, for this reason it would be appropriate for you to take my previous suggestions into consideration.
For example, in this post, you could have included photos of the entrance to the establishment, the interior, the furniture, the menu, etc., and obviously you enjoying your gastronomic experience.
Keep this in mind, and also, avoid using photos or content that are not your own.
I'm sure you can make great posts. Greetings.