Post Nº 1

Post Nº 2

Post Nº 4
(Esp/Eng) Mi receta de hoy: Pasta exótica vegana / My recipe for today: Vegan exotic pasta
by @josdelmi

Post Nº 6
pasta con pimentón ahumado, coliflor y garbanzos. | Pasta with smoked paprika, cauliflower and chickpeas.
by @denissemata

Post Nº 10
Let's make 'Munkerali', a very delicious sweet that is indispensable for the new year season.
by @templeflower

Post Nº 11

Post Nº 13
Nuggets de zanahoria 🥕// carrot nuggets🥕
by @daifernandez0929

Post Nº 14

Post Nº 15

Post Nº 16

Post Nº 17

Post Nº 18
Vegan rice pudding with salted caramel sauce
by @helgalubevi

Post Nº 19
✨Zucchini Spaghetti // ✨Espaguetis de Calabacin
by @yraimadiaz

Post Nº 20
Deluxe sandwich (vegan) 🌿 creative cuisine style 👨🍳 / Bocadillo deluxe (vegano) 🌿 al estilo de cocina creativa 👨🍳
by @edwing357

Post Nº 22
Esp/Eng Recipe to prepare a delicious yucca with garlic mojo; quick and easy!
by @yessi08

Post Nº 23
Srilankan style black coconut jack seeds curry.
by @anuruddha

Post Nº 24
Kohila Dalu Delight : A Flavorful Curry Using Tender Leaves and Stems of Lasia Spinosa
by @ramindi1

Post Nº 26
Ñoquis de papa y paprika dulce en salsa de tomate y cilantro. | Potato gnocchi and sweet paprika with a tomato sauce and coriander.
by @denissemata

Post Nº 27
Absolutely unique vegan recipe: Delicious yummy healthy Rice sweet pumpkin flowers fry recipe
by @simaroy

Post Nº 28

Post Nº 29

Post Nº 32
(ESP) Compartiendo mis Ideas y Sabores: Rico Pan de Arvejas amarillas (ING) Sharing my Ideas and Flavors: Yummy Yellow Pea Bread
by @sovebrito

Post Nº 33
An iron-fortified vegan recipe with raw bananas
by @tanjin63

Post Nº 34

Post Nº 35

Post Nº 36

In this and in all Vegan Love to us, we will choose three of our users, as beneficiaries of 3% (each one). This time we have chosen @josdelmi @semarekha @templeflower for the excellence of the content they share with us, Hivers.

Congratulations to the winner and other spirits
thanks for the mention and your support, happy day🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷😍😍😍😍
Bienvenidas delegaciones / Delegations welcome
Encuentra nuestra comunidad aquí / Find our community here
Trail de Curación / Curation Trail
Has sido curado por @visualblock / You've been curated by @visualblock
Thank you so much, it is always a pleasure to share and learn from this wonderful community where we find cruelty-free culinary gems.
Thank you, guys! I feel so proud to be here!