Sorry to stop by so late to visit your great post @lizelle, but the power and internet outages (two days, more than 12 hours each), have not allowed me to flow with my work on the blockchain, so here I am, Better late than never.
I really liked that you talk about your Silver Bloggers community, it's great to know that this community exists to share our stories, our experiences, in a pleasant and fluid way, I'm sure I'll visit them.
I remember that with some regularity, I saw your wonderful food posts, which seemed to me to be of great quality, as is the one you present today.
Regarding your soup, I really liked the name you gave it, and all the ingredients you used. I feel happy when people grow part of their food, just like you do with the herbs you use in the preparation, that's great, because it gives a lot of energy to the food.
With regard to the coconut cream being cut, it is something that usually happens, but that does not make the preparation any less delicious.
I really liked your participation, great recipe.
Thank you for participating in this vegan challenge. Greetings.
I know all about the frustration with power outages which of course affects the internet as well, but we have shorter periods of outages. Our power utility has been grossly mismanaged with neglecting maintenance etc, I feel for the people of your country!
I hope to see you in the Silver Bloggers some time💖Thank you so much for your very kind comments @sirenahippie, you're right, the soup actually was very good with the little bits of coconut cream showing up, but I wanted it to be very green 😉 Would coconut milk do the same I wonder?
I will be there soon. Greetings and have a great weekend.