My Barbies collection from childhood... and adulthood!

in Hive Collectors21 days ago

Barbie, Kelly, Ken, MyScene and more...


This month I won't be able to participate in the proposed theme for the simple fact that I don't even own a single stamp, but that doesn't mean that Buhito won't leave, even if it's a feathered post showing some collection and, in fact, I've been wanting to share my Barbie doll collection for some time, at least the ones that were left because I used to have more than 600 dolls of different styles and today I want to share with you the ones I have left and some new ones.



All the Barbies I have were given to me throughout my childhood until my adolescence, it was my favorite toy because I loved the accessories they had, the dresses, the hair, I used to have many Barbies, but also her friends and among them Teresa was my favorite and unfortunately I had very few of her dolls left.



Some of them are not wearing their original clothes because if there was something I liked to do when I was a child was to change their clothes and for that reason many of the clothes and shoes were lost or ended up being used by another doll, is this considered theft among Barbies?



The ones I was always excited to have were the protagonists of Barbie movies, I had very few, but fortunately I was able to keep them, not in excellent condition because I played with them a lot, but they are there.



I remember when my mom used to hide them in the kitchen cupboard, a sector was full of boxes of Barbies and I waited anxiously for a special date like Children's Day to be able to open a new Barbie, some were waiting for years in their boxes because there were so many that the dates were not enough to be opened all of them.



I lost most of the accessories, as a child I didn't value them much, that's why some of them are a little neglected, if I had known the great value they had, I would have taken more care of them. Many were so broken that they had to be thrown away and others were sold because there were other more important needs.



Something I remember is lying on the floor and scattering all my dolls and their accessories to build a Barbie room and play with all of them in different activities, as saleswomen or teachers, sometimes I did it at the kitchen table and that is because as children we have a lot of imagination.



Another thing I regret is having lent them out and not that I am selfish, but most children did not value or take care of what was not theirs and many of my dolls were destroyed because of those children who played rough with them and the parents did not control them, nor did they take care of them.



I also took them to the beach when they were few and they fit in my dad's car, when I had a dad and the only time I went to the beach. I took them to different places we visited, like the museum, a visit to a relative, even to school, I never took them off.



They were fashionable when I was little and it was very common to see the stores full of different designs of Barbies and as a good compulsive shopper that I was and am, I always asked for one, fortunately at that time they were super cheap and with little money you could buy more than one Barbie.



I loved going into those stores with shelves full of Barbies of different prices, I wanted them all, but obviously that was not possible, even so, I was happy with my extensive collection of Barbies, I always played with them.



Then the MyScene appeared, an extravagant doll that attracted attention because of its shine and its beautiful accessories. I had four of them, one was a skater that is not in the picture because it is a little broken, the articulated ones had that problem, they easily broke their joints, but these three are in perfect condition and are very beautiful.



You can't miss Barbie's boyfriend, I also had many Ken dolls, but only these three survived and the truth is that I don't remember what happened to the rest. When Ken had a nice face and did not look like a doll out of a horror movie, I say this because of the current Ken, it scares me.



Kelly couldn't miss it either, Barbie's sister. These mini dolls were so cute and I also loved to buy them. I had several, but they were also lost or sold over time. They had very cute accessories and her little shoes were my favorite, I'll tell you why.



I used to set up a school with the MiLadrillos and Kelly's little shoes were the students, don't ask me why I did this, I just loved to play that and have the little shoes beat each other to be the first to enter the classroom or get the best seat on the bus, even as a little girl I'm crazy.



Here are the Barbies I bought a year ago, they are the most modern models, when my mom wanted to relive those years when we bought Barbie dolls, we bought these three and of course there was a hidden intention in these purchases, I wanted accessories to make videos with Buhito, so those who saw the sketch of the Flower Assembly Workshop will recognize this machine.



HelaBuhito was an ice cream machine that Buhito stole from Barbie and I guess he didn't know how to use it or take good care of it and because of karma it broke down and I blamed poor Bizcochito.



And here is Buhito's next venture, I made you a spoiler, a greengrocery store with which we will close those sketches because I couldn't buy more accessories, but at least you know what's coming.

I love Barbie and she will always be my favorite doll!


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️✏️ Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version.

📷 Photos taken by me with my Samsung A03 edited in Photoscape



Wowww 600 Barbies!!! Awesome Yami!

I couldn't have Barbie... I had one called Tamy, she was pretty too but no barbies hahaha I couldn't, in my time they were too expensive. So my mother made Tamy's clothes for her.... now between your Barbies they lent each other their clothes.... great friends haha

And if when you lend a toy many don't value it and destroy it, it happened to me with other things. How complicated ....

Beautiful collection!

Yes, I went by hahaha they lent each other their clothes so much that some of them took possession of them, how shameless hahaha 😂

Now it's hard for me to lend my stuff, they will see me as selfish, but things cost a lot and it's not for some bastard to come and break everything haha 😂

Thank you Aunt Av 🦉 Barbie wants to play with Tamy hehe

Tamy is so crazy I don't know where she is.... travelling travelling travelling but if I see her I'll tell her to go home hahaha

You have no idea how many toys my cousins have broken!

I prefer to be selfish then haha 😂

When you see her, tell her she's welcome 🦉❤️

Things cost money and you have to take care of them... I'll tell him to go and have some chocolate.🤣

600 barbies no joda yo toda mi vida quice una muñeca y tengo una historia aterradora por querer una muñeca, de esas, unas chicas grandes prometieron que me darian una si jugaba con ellas, lo que yo no sabia era cual era su juego, the story is that they outraged me they made fun of me they abused me in short and they didn't give me the fucking doll and it made me angry hahaha and well how nice that if they had given them to you in industrial quantities hahaha I would have been the happiest girl in the world with just one hahaha I have a super imagination and I still like to play but I just realized that my brain links it with events that hurt me in the past not the one I told you but another wow I didn't remember it keep collecting you will be a millionaire with so many collections you have.

Eran baratas y habia muchos modelos para elegir jajaja era mi entretenimiento, no habia telefonos, no habia computadoras, jugaba con Barbies jajajaa 😂

¿KHE? Que maldad la de esas chicas, que feo lo que te hicieron, las buscare y las picoteare 🦉 pero ya en serio, que abuso lo que te hicieron 😢 se aprovecharon de tu inocencia y deseo de tener una muñeca...

Dicen que entre mas tenes, mas queres y yo era asi, mas Barbies tenia, mas queria, que caprichosa jajajajaja

👀 ¿Sucesos? Mi pobre Stellita, venga a acurrucarse con Buhito y jueguen con mis Barbies, se las presto todas 🦉❤️

shi seria lindo crear nuevas memorias referente a algo que me dio cosa verlo y para ti son lindas jajaja no se como explicarlo eso ultimo ya me cambio un poco la perspectiva sobre las muñecas gracias

Vengashe a crear bonitos recuerdos jugando con Buhito 🦉❤️ mis Barbies son buenitas jeje

andan conversando mucho ustedes dos 😑😑.... vayan es a conversa con promex.... y amenmeeee 😜😜 @stellamartinez

Saquese de aca colado 🦉 jaja

Saquese uste que este es mi post... y Stella es mia.... todo es de promeeeeX!! O_O

I used to think I had many Barbies but... 600?! You absolutely won, by far hahaha. It's awesome to see such a big collection, and they're all so pretty. I remember I used to love my Barbies so much but I had a little issue... I loved to cut their hair 🤣🤣 I don't know if I thought I was a hairdresser or what, but I loved giving them a makeover hahaha. In fact, I committed a sacrilege with a Rapunzel Barbie😅

Of those 600 Barbies, survived only these ones haha but yes, my house was crazy, full of barbies and I loved them all haha 😂

Really? haha maybe at that time you had the dream of being a hairdresser, why not? haha 😂

Did you cut Rapunzel's beautiful hair? 👀 Well, I painted the eyes and lips of Odette from Swan Lake and look how her beautiful face turned out haha little problems of childhood 😂 I don't know if you can see that her lips are half erased 👀

Of course hahah but anyway that's still a lot of Barbies.

Maybe I did wanted to be a hairdresser but I don't really remember 😅. And yes, I chopped off Rapunzel's hair, although years later it became cannon with the new movie hahahah.

Now that you mention it I can see her lips look kind of erased 👀 I guess we all did something funny with our dolls hahahaah

You made a prediction of what would be the Rapunzel with short hair hahahahaha 😂 omg!

I'm a witch 🧹 🪄

Ya decía yo que esa fábrica de helados de Buhito me era familiar! Jajajaja! El karma no perdona y bizcochito menos! Jajajaja!

Mi Yami, tu colección de muñecas Barbie está súper bien conservadas. Imagínate desde que eras niña hasta tu adolescencia. Me gusta la gente que cuida bien de sus cosas. De niña yo también cuidaba mis muñecas como si fueran unos bebés. Aunque te confieso que fui más de muñecas tipo Kelly o muñecas grandes y gorditas! Jeje! Nunca tuve una Barbie! 😅

Te admiro por todavía tener tus muñecas y seguir dándole tanto amor y mejor que estén en tus manos y no en manos de alguien que las maltrate!

Te mando un abrazo, mi Yami y gracias por compartir tu bella colección de muñecas!🥰

Me la robe tia Zu jajajaja 🦉 ya vera ese Bizcochito por estropearme todo 🦉 jajaja

Estas son las que sobrevivieron, pero en realidad no las cuidaba, de pequeña jugaba a lo bruto con ellas y por eso algunas tienen signos de desgaste o maltrato jaja otras directamente murieron o las vendimos 😂 las tengo porque despues no jugue mas con ellas y al crecer las fui cuidando un poco mas, pero no las cuidaba para nada 😂

Muchas gracias mi linda Zu por tu visita, Buhito es quien juega con las Barbies ahora y con sus accesorios para hacer emprendimientos jaja 🦉❤️

Queres saber que paso con las Barbies? Las vendí! Ha ... pero las mias aunque veo que te quedaste con algunas de las mias.... mmm dinero ok no jajajajajajajaja Tienen valor sentimental. No sabia seguían existiendo esos Ken... teníamos muchos y volaron casi todos... pero bueno...

Si, lo se, por eso me las quede porque eras un peligro, vendias todo y no te las pienso dar, ahora son mias muajaja 🦉 esos Kens son los afortunados que estan rodeados de chicas... jijijiji 🦉

Te voy a vender a vos

Queres saber que paso con las Barbies? Las vendí!


With 600 dolls... it was a "justified" temptation hahah, you could make a lot of money 💰 😆

I needed money. I will soon sell to @elbuhito 😀

Hahaha I think most kids do that they water all their toys and sometimes to pick up is the mess 🤣🤣 the one you bought a year ago is very nice you take care of them and keep them in good condition still, also you have too many my daughters almost didn't last the toys they damaged them or went out to play with the other kids on the block and they got lost but the memories remain.

Childish things, imagination has no limits hahaha actually I didn't take care of them hahaha now I do because I'm an adult, but when I was little I didn't take care of them and that's why some of them have signs of mistreatment hahaha 😂 when you're little you don't realize and you don't value toys much, but well, childish things hahaha 😂

I am sure nobody will ever ever ever beat you in the number of dolls you had 😁 and this still IS a huge collection 🙌🙌🙌🙌

I had one Barbie when I was small 😅

Thank you Buhito for bringing your collection 💫

hahaha I had an obsession I think, it was my hobby and I loved to play with them hahaha 😂

And what happened to that Barbie? I'm riffraff 👀

I don't know where that doll is now. It stayed in my parent's home and I guess it disappeared in some cleaning activities when I already moved lol 😆


Really, although seeing so many dolls together gives me a strange feeling, I have to admit that you have a great collection. And I always wondered where you got all those miniatures to recreate the adventures and scenes of buhito and it turns out that now I know... it's barbies stuff. A legitimate loan for a good cause.


How much is the collection valued at? 🤔 I'm just asking to plan with the Grinch team our next master robbery...

Relax, these are not diabolical hahaha they are just there.... watching everything... 👀

Exactly, a loan without repayment because Buhito took everything from Barbie, even her machines hahahahaha 😂

Khe? hahahahahaha and... not worth as much as if they were in their original boxes with their original clothes and accessories, but I guess they must have some value, especially the older ones, I'll put Buhito as a guardian 🦉👀 haha



Si mi hija coleccionara todas las que ha tenido jjj.
Es hermosa tu colección

Very nice to appreciate your Barbie collection throughout your years. There are so many that it seems like I'm in front of a university or a big barbie school, even with their suitors on the prowl. Thanks for sharing.

haha yes, even his suitors are close, there are three for so many women hahaha 😂 thank you very much for your visit! 😘

I like that. Just three men surrounded by many different barbies to feel the exquisiteness of their femininity, haha