Need coins for house building

in Hive Collectors5 days ago


Hello, collector friends, admin @mipiano, and community. Greetings! You know that to build a house, you need money, but sometimes you also need small coins for the construction. Believe it or not, we do.

When I was working in a hospital as a night watch doctor, I met many kind and unkind people. I made many friends during that time. Most of the foreign patients were very happy with my service, and Some of them became very close to me. At that time, being a doctor, especially in a private hospital, didn't pay well, but my requirements were limited, and I enjoyed helping people.

One of my patients from England, who was admitted due to an accident, became a good friend. She was an experienced pensioner lady, had visited many countries. She understood our/hospital staff's economic conditions, not only for me but also for the nurses and assistants, and she gave us some advice. One advice was to save some money for the future because, in India, there is no security for elderly people and no pension for private workers.

I thought about her advice and bought a piggy bank in 2000. I began putting money in it. Of course, I was also saving a good amount from my salary in the bank, but putting coins in a piggy bank was fun. I had three piggy banks full before I moved to Norway. when I moved I gave one to my niece, and one to my nephew, and kept one for myself.

Here is my treasure.

It is not so much nowadays some coins are already out of circulation. but at that time it was some advantage.
I have kept it like this until now. It was full a long time ago, but I didn't want to break it. However, yesterday, our tile fixer told me he needed some 1-rupee coins to build the cupboard. I checked my purse, were only 2, my husband's wallet. my husband doesn't have them he doesn't keep coins, after looking here and there we could hardly find about 3-4 rupees. We had 10 or 20 rupee coins, but no 1-rupee coins.
Then we decided to open my piggy bank to use some coins to use in construction.


here we found many 5rs. coins
2 rs coins
1 rs coins
50 paisa
25 paisa




all together around 10$

and many different designs and years.
many small and big also.
Sorry to say some of them are already retired before I do. And those big amounts ones gone to other places. it's ok I am satisfied with my life.






In this, some of them are our requirements. now( already used)

Any way that savings I don't need for my elderly time but we are glad we use it for a very memorial and important project for our new house.








And those some coins are already in and the structure is in progress.
Thank you very much. Irine, piggybank, coins and you :)


Det var en lur måte å holde opp en hylle på.

Ja! det lært vi av arbeiderne. Tusen takk :)

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i thought you already had a house

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