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RE: my MUG collection and some of their STORIES

in Hive Collectors11 months ago

Really loved the stories behind each of your mugs. The one you were given in Cairo looks absolutely gorgeous but I love the collections from your friends best. I know people that throw away mugs once there's a little chip at the mouth but I think that's what creates the homey feeling the most. Totally !LUV this and I'm definitely looking forward to your enemies collection.🌺


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Mission accomplished I would say, since I intend to bring something to HIVE that has some value in whatever way or form to those who open posts. Thanks much for your feedback.
Hahaha the enemy one. Honestly, I think I still have to enlarge the collection a bit. Creativity is in order there.
True that, mugs with stone broken off aren't bin material, but show how much they are loved when continuing using them.