Postage Stamps - monthly theme for February

in Hive Collectors2 months ago (edited)

February is here. Many consider it the month of love (because of Valentine's Day, right?) when you give something to your loved one... but is there anything more beautiful than sending a card or letter to that person? Apart from sincere emotions and the skill and courage to put them into words, you need postage stamps so the postman can deliver your letter to the recipient.

Okay, I started the post in this way just because of the month of February, but let's clarify that postage stamps are needed for all other shipments, letters, and postcards of any kind. It turns out, these postal services are used less and less, and I also notice that postage stamps are being replaced with just some code or a sticker with numbers that is put on the envelope and that's it. It is probably easier or more practical that way, but it is not a joy for collectors then.

Collectors... and those who thought they were not one of them... like me. If you had asked me if I had a collection of postage stamps, I would have said no. That's how it was, several users had already posted their collections of these items and I always said that I didn't have a collection, at least not in the way that was organized in a nice section and placed in stamp albums. I knew I had them, the ones that we received over the years in various shipments that arrived at our address from family members and friends. If they were nice, then I cut them out with the paper together, that is, with the envelope that I never removed from them. That is why I thought it wasn't a real collection.

Today you will see for yourself that it is not very organized but still... now I already think it is a collection, and it becomes the chosen theme for the month of February.

Postage Stamps


You see, this is my collection that I thought was not a collection... Just a mess of postage stamps that piled up over several years. And then, in January when we were in Malaga, my husband spotted a stamp and collectables store, and we went in to see what they had.


We started to browse among the postage stamps that were organized by topics and their value. I wanted to find something music-related and that is how this mini collection of the composer Frederic Chopin was found. It was issued in 2010, on the 200th anniversary of this composer's birthday.


They are unused, still attached together and now form part of my mini collection of postage stamps.

Philatelist, please don't get a heart attack after seeing the condition my stamps live in. 😂
I know, I know, they need to be without the envelope (I would need to soak them in cold water for some time and remove the papers. I started and did with a few but it would take some hours/days to finish the whole collection). Btw, I was searching for this envelope with the postage stamps for the whole morning. 🤦‍♀😂 They were in one box and even though I checked it a few times I didn't see it, just after taking out everything from it.

So, this is my whole collection (at the moment I took these photos I thought it was the whole collection... but later I found more in another box with postcards 😅)



I will try to present them in sections, by countries. All of them were cut out by me, from letters and packages we got from friends and family members.

Germany wins, as the majority of my postage stamps are from that country.


Here are some of my picks from the section:






How cute the ducklings and the little rabbits are. There are many repeated ones, but this way they also make a collection. 😁


So many postage stamps with flowers:


This last one was not received on any shipment though. It was my son who bought stamps when he was in Germany last year to send postcards to his grandparents. This one stayed unused.



These arrived from Hong Kong, China. Several different birds and owls are the winners in number. I don't exactly remember what was inside the package, but something my husband ordered online. For some reason I kept them.



From Serbia, my favourite from here is the one with the bells.



Australia. These travelled quite a long journey to arrive to us.



Croatia. One of them features the Museum of Neanderthals.



Romania, just two postage stamps, and I don't remember who sent us a letter from Romania... 🤔



Just one postage stamp Canada so I should take care of it not to lose it.

20250201_134520 (1).jpg


The same, just one stamp from Norway, from my aunt. Do postmen in Norway use Harley-Davidson motorcycles to deliver the mail? That is so cool, I like this stamp a lot!



Also, just one postage stamp from Malta; got it on a letter from our English teacher when she visited that country.



It is strange I don't have more postage stamps from Spain, but as I mentioned, it is just a barcode sticker instead of these nice stamps that have been used lately.



Additional findings - a collection that is maybe larger but I don't even realize it haha. When I opened the box with my postcard collection I found several additional postage stamps from Taiwan, France, Italy, and UK. I covered my address and full name, sorry. 😁



Have you ever collected stamps? I know it is rare to send or receive postage these days, but maybe you have a collection without even realizing it, as was the case with me. In any case, I hope you enjoy this month's topic.



Nice post. I used to collect stamps as a child. Unfortunately, I didn't continue. My priorities have shifted.

Thank you. It seems I did it in the other way hahaha, I didn't collect them as a child but the stamps collected themselves for me now 😁😉

I used to send post cards home to my parents when I was travelling before the internet. I always picked the best stamps I could find in the country I was visiting. My parents kept the stamps which are a great souvenir of my early backpacking trips. I will see if can put together a post.

That was a nice thing you used to do, both sending post cards and picking the nicest stamps. It was also a tradition in our family and friends circle, but yeah - then internet came 😅.
I am looking forward to seeing your collection 😀

Oh, great!

Some of them are in albums, and some are like yours, in envelopes 😂
I see that you have the same stamps, and I have the same stamps too😉
In my mind, I have a lot of them, since there are several albums of their own. @mipiano I used to collect stamps and coins when I was a kid.

So, can I hope to see your collection? 😇Oh, a stamp collector! :)) Great to hear that, @ludmila.kyriakou, haha the repeated ones can be annoying, but no postage stamp deserves to be thrown away ;)

No, no, I don't mind repeating stamps, because then I can exchange them with someone!
With you, for example 😅

I also have a newspaper from 1913-14 🤫@mipiano I need to find time and take a photo of my stamps.

You must be joking!!!! I had planned to write a post about some of my stamps last
year but I couldn't find one that my brother gave me. And guess what I found last week????

I recognise a postcard 😄

No jokes this time - we go with this super serious topic but funny stamps and posts are more than welcome. So, you planned your contribution last year, found the missing stamp last week - I am right on time then with the theme 😉

I see stamps 😂 I need to get down to next tomes and to compete.

Great collection

Yes, you see stamps haha
Finally, right? I know it is the perfect topic for you 😉

Sorry, my main house is in Norway, and have my collection there like last theme socks. But I will enjoy some interesting posts from the other members. Have a nice week ahead :)huge amazing collection dear @mipiano. they look very special and selective. how long are you collecting them? it is very hard to say which one is best I say all are best.

Thank you very much @hindavi

No worries, when you are back in Norway you can participate in all the topics you missed. 😉

It has been several years that I was keeping the stamps instead of just throwing them away with the envelopes, so that is it.

Thank you, and I hope you will have a nice week ahead too!

OMG! This is a huge collection haha I shouldn't even say which was my favorite, well I say it anyway, the owls ones haha 😂 and all the birds, but unfortunately here in my country you see less than the goodness of Buhito and I don't even have one, nor common cards 💔 I guess this month will be to bring another collection, even so, I will love to see the prints of others, they are beautiful 😍

You have a worldwide collection, literally haha 🦉

I thought you would like the ones featuring architecture and not the birds... haha, just kidding, I knew you would love the owls, look, I had a surprise for you that I took in the shop where we bought the Frederic Chopin stamps. They were sitting on one of the shelves:


You are welcome to bring any collection you want, out of the monthly theme ;) And I will maybe make one month a free topic or at least bring all those topics back that passed and someone wanted to participate.

Que hermosa parejita de buhitos 😍❤️ muchas gracias por la sorpresa 😘 ya ves que los buhos estamos invadiendo todos los lugares ok no jajajajaja

Okis, como este mes no voy a poder participar del tema, tengo otra cosita preparada, bueno, varias, pero empezare por una que tengo en mente hace tiempo 😂

I find it so cute when I read this blog. You have a unique collection. This is my first time knowing a person who collects stamps. I was entertained at the same time learned something about the different stamps in different countries.

Thank you @missleray 😇

Collecting postage stamps is quite popular, at least here. Real philatelists collect them and organize them nicely in albums, by their value, topics etc

😀 Buenos días, ¿cómo despertó la anfitriona de los collectors hoy? ¿Envuelta en sellos?

Good morning, although my waking up happened 13 hours ago 😅

The stamps went back to their envelope and the postcards into the box now - and all together into a shelf in one closet 😅

🙂 y con llaves supongo, para más seguridad. 😂 Aquí en Hive no hay tiempo. 🙃

No, es solo porque intenté guardar un poco las cosas en la casa jaja que sea menos desastre 😅
Y la seguridad está garantizada solo en el paso de peatones del otro día ;D

😂 Ah, yes, right! By the way, you have very nice stamps. I really like the first two from Croatia. Those are my favourites.

(Hive va a llegar a 0.2683, cuando compre allí la nueva tanda de monedas que voy a comprar te voy a pagar las ediciones, una por una)

Thank you, those are nice indeed. Jaja, no lo hagas, estoy editando porque no escribí bien y probablemente tengo algo de dislexia, de todos modos para eso existe el edit botón, no? también lo usas tú, como veo 😁

Sí, pero tú no me pagas jajaja... boba, estoy bromeando. 😄 Te mando un abrazo mipiano. No te olvides del snack en tu bolso. ¿Hoy tuviste gig?

My father-in-law had a stamp collection that I passed on to a friend.
Hopefully I still have some.
I was told stamps are more valuable if they are stuck to the original envelope and have been stamped!

Postage stamps indeed have more value if they have been stamped.

Oh, fingers crossed that you still have some stamps around ;))

I have never seen so many postage stamps!!! I love the ones with animals and the ones with museum references!!!!

Since I've been here I've never received a letter hahaha but I really enjoyed seeing yours! They are great!😃

And I thought I did not have enough to make a post for the monthly theme 😅
They should be organized, without the envelopes and placed in a stamp album... one day maybe ;)

here I've never received a letter

But you have received a package with a Worldmappin hoodie, which is great! 😋

You are right! That's the best of all! Me thinking about cards🤣



The postage stamps from Europe are fun! I love them!😃

Romania, just two postage stamps, and I don't remember who sent us a letter from Romania... 🤔

It wasn't me, but if you want stamps, used ones, I can send you a bunch 😎

You have a bunch of them? Feel free to participate in the monthly theme 😋🤗

NO pressure... just saying... and waiting for your post 😁

All those are more or less new - and all are enveloped! Huge collection - this implies... you run an impressive correspondence?
Not sure if I can display mine, as it is in parents house. But I will look what I could share within this nice topic given!

Well, this collection that was not considered by me as a collection was growing for many years; some family members who are old-school people (luck for me and this collection) still like to send gifts in packages, letters and postcards. So I also send postcards or little gifts for Christmas for example ;)

I hope to see your collection when you get to your parent's home, or if you have some at home. untitled.gif

At my current location I do have some envelopes I received during last decade (I prefer to keep only a few cool ones with UK queen for example - I was buying a lot of Radiohead memorabilia on Ebay, like clippings, photos, newspapers etc). Had no straight purpose to keep the stamps. But at my parents house I keep my collection I created in teen years. It was pretty huge - I was focusing mostly on the underwater topic: coral reefs, shells, fish etc. Later my intrest changed to the stamps of the colonies (as soon as I developed an intrest to the modern time history). That is a small but pretty enjoyable collection put in two albums, on of them is vintage and pretty cool itself. But, sadly, I dont plan to visit the place. Thats why I said I will look what I can do. Maybe some relatives will agree to spend their time and take a few pics... but no way they will do it with same love and passion than I could do that pleasurable job, lolz.

but no way they will do it with same love and passion than I could do that pleasurable job

Hahaha, I imagine 😅

This is a wonderful topic!

I was just writing a post about hobbies and came here to get the link to the community to add... and saw that you are doing Postage Stamps for February, so I added that in the post, and I will definitely make some stamps posts!

I like how you discovered that you have a collection, without really knowing that you had a collection!

Hi there @denmarkguy

What a coincidence!! This morning, while searching for this envelope (and not finding it for some time 😅) I almost opted for a different topic, but it seems that stamps had to happen!

This (compared to some other collections, as I imagine you have) is not a great one, but still it can inspire the real philatelists to share their hobby. I am looking forward to seeing your stamp collection, also thank you very much for adding the link to the community in your post!

Greetings 👋

What a collection. That's too many postcards, here in Venezuela it is not usual to receive letters by mail directly. Yes, there are authorized postal agencies and all that, but receiving them at home, I think it's unlikely. I have never seen it. I loved the postcards from Germany. In the case of parcels, that does come.

Surprising that you have postcards from Canada and Taiwan. It's a universe that collection. 😍

Oh, so it is not common to receive letters at home address? But when you want to send a letter or postcard, there is a need for postage stamps, right?
Thank you, I am glad I was collecting these stamps over many years

Ah, postage stamps, don't think I have any 😅. @beckyroyal do you have any?

I also thought I didn't have a collection, and voila, it made itself 😆

I didn't receive any postage so can't

Hahahaha, I don't have any postage stamps but let's see how the month of February goes 😁

Alright dear.

There was a time when collecting stamps was a thing but now kids and adults are not that much into it. That's understandable.
Good to see that you keep going. And you have a wonderful collection. So many stamps with so many memories and stories. Good to see this.

Thank you

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Yes dear ,it's not compulsory you must have a partner to give them gift you are also give your friend gifts for valentine it's a month to show love

How cute we are or stamps. I have one too but it is monothematic only talks about cosmo and Russian cosmonauts. I have some loose stamps of other subjects that are Cuban. They are in letters sent by my friends when there was no messenger or WhatsApp. From your collection I loved the animal stamps, the bunnies are so sweet. I see you don't have any Cuban stamps, I wish I could send you some. Thanks for sharing your post I really liked it. I would like to receive a letter, they are no longer received and they are very nice.

Hola Mi Piano! Te envié una solicitud de amistad en discord, ojala puedas aceptarla!

Amé este blog. Que llamativos colores. Me encantaron los sellos

Most folks over here would prefer physical consumable gift than postcard, what they fail to realize is the connections and emotions poured into such gift


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @qwerrie tipped @mipiano