I want that SpongeBob with a patch! It's cute and I want it! Hahaha. Charrr. Seriously, it's cute. You have a lot of cool hat collection. I only only own two hat rn. And hat has a lot of use now too, to me especially. I don't really wear a hat before but now I do, jusy to hide my slowly getting bald head, huhuhu. My poor hair are all having a tantrums that everyone just want to leave me, huhu, lol.
The Sponge Bob hat might fit you it's too small for me. I don't remember how I got that Minecraft hat but that's too small also.
I'd be willing to let go of both of those hats. I'd mail them to you, it would only cost you a picture wearing Sponge Bob 🤣
Please throw that here, Ill wear it everyday 😆😆 that minecraft one is cool too. Too bad its really small, but I can't imagine youw earing that Spongebob one, hahaha
Well I will send just HMU in discord with your address. Only if your interested 😊
Wahhh, but that would cost a lot for sure. 😆😆
Nah light stuff it won't break my bank and there not getting a use here.