hey @cross-culture lovers..!🤝
How is the culture around you???
certainly all @cross-cultural that exist in various countries, must be very beautiful and charming.
I will share cultural arts in our area, namely in ACEH.
the cultural art in aceh is the hand art of betel leaves.
these are some pictures that I will display on @hive-blog media, if it catches your attention, please leave your thumbs up.
I took this picture from my friend, he is a betel leaf craftsman, which is used for weddings.@BETEL-LEAF-HAT
which are made very carefully and creatively with various brands, according to the requests we want.
I just asked for the hat shape, it looks more beautiful.
In your opinion, which color is more attractive to your eyes?
please leave your comments, so that I will also choose according to your request.
please provide your comments according to the beauty that you see by each reader.
greetings one @culture