Having a few sheets of origami paper while traveling can be surprisingly useful. On more than one occasion, I’ve thought, "I wish I had some origami paper with me right now." My partner has also asked me several times, "Do you have any origami paper?"
Last month, during our trip to Portugal, I remembered to pack around 10 origami paper — and as expected, it came in handy in so many ways. I'm happy to share my experience!
How Origami Can Be Useful While Traveling
Here are some ways I used origami during our trip:
- Wrapping tips
- Writing a message like a card
- Giving an origami crane to small baby sitting next to us at a restaurant
- Giving a thank you origami crane to a friendly train conductor
- Folding origami figures with my daughter when she got bored
When I wanted to give a tip to someone directly at a hotel or a shop who had been especially kind, I would fold a simple envelope using origami paper and place the money inside. People always seemed touched by this small gesture. You can find many different envelope folding techniques online, so you can simply look it up when needed. The fact that you can also write a message on it makes it even more thoughtful.
Folding on the Spot is Better Than Pre-Made Ones
I also brought some pre-folded origami cranes with me, but I realized that it’s better to fold them as needed rather than carrying them pre-made. They are less likely to get damaged, and you can adjust what you make depending on the situation. My daughter was happy to receive my requests to make origami figures ☺️
By the way, when my partner and I visit nursing homes with @pupiko, we often bring origami cranes that we’ve folded and attached golden threads to hang. The residents always seem to appreciate them.
Origami is Surprisingly Impressive Abroad
In Japan, most of us learn how to fold origami at home, kindergarten or elementary school. At least for my generation, folding a crane is something our hands remember.
Since it’s so common in Japan, it doesn’t feel that special. But when you’re abroad, people are often amazed and impressed by origami. It makes me feel grateful for the beautiful culture I was born into.
More Origami for the Next Trip
I’ll definitely be bringing more origami paper for my next trip — and I mean a lot more 😉 My daughter, who also loves origami, used up almost all of the paper we brought while we were having long Portuguese-style lunch.
Recently, while visiting my favorite bookstore, Dussmann, in Berlin, I found a set of beautiful origami paper. It was expensive but I couldn’t resist buying it along with a holder to keep it safe for future trips.
Exciting Travel Plans
This year is shaping up to be packed with travel. We’re heading to Paris as a family in late March, Munich with relatives in April, Graz for Hive Creators Day, Düsseldorf for Japan Day, Hive Fest probably in September and possibly Norway in the summer (which is my daughter’s request). We might even visit friends in India in the fall.
Well, since my partner and I are both passionate about traveling — we actually met through Couch Surfing more than 10 years ago— I guess it’s no surprise that our calendar is so full!
I’m looking forward to bringing origami on all these trips and seeing how it adds even more joy to the travels.
Why Not Bring Origami on Your Next Trip?
If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend bringing some origami paper on your next trip. It’s light, takes up almost no space, and can open the door to many unexpected connections and joyful moments 🙂
- チップを包む
- カードのようにメッセージを書く
- レストランや電車で隣になった家族の小さい子供にあげる
- 親切にしてくれた電車の車掌さんなどにちょっとしたプレゼントとして渡す
- 子供と折って遊ぶ
余談ですが、@pupiko と介護施設を訪れるときには日々折りためた折り鶴に紐をつけて持っていくと、毎回とても喜んでもらえます。
今年は旅行が盛りだくさんで、家族で3月後半にパリ、親族と4月にミュンヘン、Hive Creators Dayでグラーツ、デュッセルドルフのジャパンデー、夏に行けたら子供の希望でノルウェー、秋にインド・・・とすでに盛りだくさんです。まあ、相方も私も旅行好きでCouch Surfingで知り合ったのですから、こうなりますよね。折り紙を持って楽しく旅をできたらと思います。
みなさんも旅行に折り紙を持って行ってはいかがでしょうか。おすすめです ☺️
That's a lovely idea!
I think you are the person who enjoys traveling with Origami paper ☺️ I saw the thumbnail of your post with beautiful spring plants and paper. I look forward to read it after writing this comment.
Recently I wanted to leave a note for the cleaner where I stayed a few nights in an apartment. I had to write it on a page from my notebook 😂 Origami paper would be perfect (I loved the envelopes), even if I only used it as notepaper.
I did the same when I run out of Origami after my daughter used them up 😆