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RE: How Morality Stunts Our Vision + Rune of the Day

in Cross Culture3 years ago

Awesome comment, thank you so much! I'm humbled that you resonated with these words. It's true, seeing ourselves in others helps us develop clemency toward the entire world, to be aware of the hurts but approach them from empathy and understanding, rather than rejection and hostility. It's a gift, privilege and blessing to have that opportunity!


Oooh clemency...I had to look that word up to get a clearer definition in my mind. What a lovely word! I choose to adopt it. 😉 Yes, now that I think about it, it is a gift to be able to see through that lens. At times, at least with my current method, it doesn't feel like a gift. It can feel like a strain to get there on certain subjects, but I'm developing a muscle for it; and that strength makes so much else so much easier. A gift and blessing indeed!