Freedom of Speech Vs Freedom of Thought. Re-evaluating core beliefs.

in Cross Culture3 years ago (edited)


It's not very often we make changes to our core values or beliefs, and especially not after something as simple as a spectacular lunch, but today was a special day and now i find myself asking whether something i considered sacrament to a healthy and good society is indeed such a good idea at all! I am in Thailand right now having a few weeks of holiday and pampering, as well as enjoying their amazing cuisine and in today’s world, some very good vegan food. I am trying out as many of the Vegan restaurants as I can and writing posts about them on Hive, and today i discovered Phuket Vegan whilst driving around in huge monsoon rains. At most I was expecting an incredible meal, but i did not except to end up having a life changing experience. After eating some of the best food Ii have had, and being the recipient of such respect and effort to please me, I have started to reevaluate some of my core beliefs! As strange and unlikely as this may sound, let me explain!

Before I start i would like to make clear that when I speak about freedom of speech i am only referring to a sharing of peoples opinions and not a sharing of facts or important information such as whistle-blowing as we have seen with people like Edward Snowdon and others. Sharing important information with the world is extremely important and i see that as very different to sharing your personal opinion about something!

"When I speak about freedom of speech i am only referring to a sharing of peoples opinions and not a sharing of facts"

I have come to realise that our opinions are very personal and the intensity and direction of our opinions relate very much to our personal experiences and feelings. If for example we know of someone dear to us who has suffered from cancer and died then we will be very likely to have strong opinions around the causes of cancer, such as smoking, and also have strong opinions as to what we consider acceptable regarding it. We may also make it one of our life missions to work toward eradicating it with a high degree of fervour.

I have also come to understand that our ability to deduce conclusions from the facts or observable events are greatly affected by our feelings and emotions, which is why I think it is very wise to be aware if we are very emotional around a certain topic at least whilst we are making valued deductions on what we think is happening. An opinion is not fact, it is just our opinion, and no matter how strongly we feel about our opinion, it does not mean to say we are any more right or wrong about it. I think that understand this point is important to really grasp what I am going to say next.

"Our ability to deduce conclusions from the facts or observable events are greatly affected by our feelings and emotions and our very personal things."

This past two years have taken almost everyone on this planet on a great roller-coaster ride, especially relating to COVID and the entire debate around what is real, what is fake, and whether this entire pandemic has been a great deception or is based on real facts and events. I have never before seen us all so polarized about anything, probably because we have never before had such a huge event that has caused so much disruption and suffering on a global scale. It is unprecedented in our lifetimes and even beyond, due to the Internet and our ability to speak publicly about things.

I have watched many people speak about COVID on both sides of the fence, and I would like to speak about one man in particular because I think he is the epitome of what free speech stands for. @dannyshine is someone who I have watched for a long time now, several years, as he posts his videos on YouTube and 3speak. Danny is so much fun to watch because he speaks publicly in high streets and even in shops, with a megaphone, sharing his views and opinions about some very important issues around many topics. Danny is someone who uses ridicule with humour to disarm others, and often plays the devils advocate when speaking and challenging many ideas and commonly held opinions around the way our world works, conspiracy, and the plight of commercialism.

I would like to use Danny as an example here because until very recently I have never really had an issue around what he does, I have considered him to be something of a hero, a very brave man, and a very intelligent and funny one too. He publicly challenges anything he sees as wrong or unjust, and is able to ridicule people openly for the choices and actions they take. Somehow he has pulled this off without receiving much opposition at all, other than the normal heckles and responses one would expect from the general public.

I do agree with Danny on many of the things he brings up, especially regarding the problems with commercialism and how our shops continue to sell us products and foods that not only we do not need but also harm us. I also have agreed with much of what he has shared about the pandemic being a false narrative, and have also felt quite emotive about some of the mistakes that our governments have made. I feel that they have damaged our mental health and the world in ways that will take years if not longer to recover from, and with all the fear and restrictions they have placed on us. I think it did no good to resolve the problem and if anything made things much worse. That statement is based partly on facts, but is also my opinion.

Here is the thing. I think it is fair to say that whilst I do understand why Danny does what he does, I now ask myself a few important questions. One question is whether i think his efforts have had much effect on other people's opinions or views on the world. Through his often hilarious efforts to expose things for what they are, i do wonder how much change has happened as a result. I think the answer to that is not very much at all. I wonder even if just ONE person has changed their minds or opinions based on his many hours of public speaking and upsetting people. One effect I do feel that is true is that this way of speaking has without doubt offended very many people and in many different ways. Whilst i can see that those who agree with him do support what he does, and find it quite amusing, the majority of people who do not agree with this opinion are often quite offended and upset. Whilst that in-itself may not be such a bad thing, because I do think a lot of what he says is truth, I also see some problems with it.

"I wonder even if just ONE person has changed their minds or opinions based on his many hours of public speaking and offending people"

One very significant issue is that is that by challenging people using this method of ridicule, we create more polarization and basically put people's backs up. People don’t want to be told, in a pretty challenging way, that what they are doing or thinking is wrong or is harming them or others. That is a very difficult thing to admit, and if we want to start influencing other people's opinions there are much better ways of doing it! I think this approach does more harm than good.

"By challenging people using this method of ridicule, we create more polarization and basically put people's backs up"

With that said, I do have to ask whether we should be trying to change people's opinions in the first place. There is a big difference between sharing information and facts, and letting people come up with their own conclusions, and sharing our opinions as fact and expecting others to agree and come to the same conclusions. As i stated in the beginning of this post, most of our opinions are very personal and do not really have much significance to others or what they consider to be important. Understanding that is, I think, very important if we are so move forward as a society with respect and some degree of humility. If we truly understand this point i think that much of the pushing we do of our views and opinions would be with much less angst.

"There is a big difference between sharing information and facts, and letting people come up with their own conclusions, and sharing our opinions as fact. most of our opinions are very personal and do not really have much significance to others."

Free speech is one of the pillars of the west and a democracy. There are so many countries where free speech is simply not allowed and some examples of this are North Korea, Russia, Thailand, and China. I would like to focus on Thailand because that is a country i have some experience with and is where I am right now. I would like to start by saying that the culture of Thailand is very different to any country in Europe or in the west. It is so different that I am still learning the very basics about what makes the Thai people tick, and what goes on in their personal and emotional world. This is a country where people do not really express their opinions in public, and indeed it is illegal to do so on many topics which harsh punishments for doing so.

What I am coming to understand now is how that may be a good thing, because let it be said that everyone is permitted to have freedom of thought and form their own opinions about things. Another thing I am learning about Thai culture is their desire to respect and please other people. In general the Thai people are very friendly, and they really seem to care about others being happy and well looked after. That is very evident in so many aspects of the culture. Respect for others is a very special thing, and one that i do feel is sorely missing from most of the west. People in countries with free speech often speak to each other quite terribly, aggressively, and using pretty severe language and derogatory put downs and judgements. From my experience at least, it is my opinion that people in much of the west (especially cities) are pretty stressed, unhappy, and even miserable. I don't often feel much joy coming from the average person on the street and I think many people just spend a lot of time trying to avoid conflict and just get on with their lives as best they can.

"People in countries with free speech often speak to each other quite terribly, aggressively, and using pretty severe language and derogatory put downs and judgements. "

Things feel very different here in Thailand. Despite the very harsh rules and restrictions on free speech I think it's fair to say that as far as what people can actually DO, they are very free and even more free than the west to be different and unique without judgement. One great example is the prevalence of ladyboys who parade around quite comfortably and proudly in the streets. It is a free country in so far as people being able to have fun, do what pleases them.. as long as it does not cause harm to others or disrespect their values or people who are respected greatly.

In fact the irony is that the more freedom of speech we have, the less freedom of life or expression we have because we are in fear of being criticised by others for our way of being.

The irony is that the more freedom of speech we have, the less freedom of life or expression we have because we are in fear of being criticised by others for our way of being.

Most interactions I have with Thai people, and that includes the poorer people who live hand to mouth, have been very positive and i have come to realise that generally speaking they come across as very happy people. They display beautiful smiles and a kind of joy and happiness that rarely see in the West. I also feel very safe here, even though there is im sure much crime, theft etc, in general i feel very safe in public and not threatened at all. This country feels like a safe space to be in, and to live our lives as we see fit.

"I think it's fair to say that as far as what people can actually DO, they are very free and even more free than the west to be different and unique without judgement. This country feels like a safe space to be in, and to live our lives as we see fit. "

So with all that said I have come to a great crossroads in my personal opinions about whether we should be sharing our opinions or just forming them in our own minds and keeping it personal! That in itself is a bit of a contradiction in terms, since in a way I should not even be writing this post if that is how I feel.. but I am a work in progress. :)

You may ask then, if this is my new stance on freedom of speech what I think and how i might react to people who share their opinions with me and whether i will now find it offensive. I think the answer to that is that I would still personally welcome hearing other people opinions about anything because i am interested what others think. Having said that i would be much more interested to hear WHY they think it and the facts and details of that opinion rather than just the opinion itself. I do not appreciate having someone trying to force their opinion on me just because they feel very strongly about something. That is a very personal thing and think we might do well to learn to start holding that truth and learning to deal with it in a different way. I would also like to say I don't have much patience for people who judge or diagnose me as sick, selfish, blind, or anything else just because i have a different opinion to them.

"I don't have much patience for people who judge or diagnose me as sick, selfish, blind, or anything else just because i have a different opinion to them. "

Life is a journey, and with this very new realisation I am curious how it will affect the way I see the world, and people, and how i deal and react with the many situations when opinions are shared without my desire to hear them. I think I would do well to learn to ignore it, turn around and walk away, rather than try to react to it or try to change anyone’s minds about anything. I wonder why we do feel it's so important for people to share their ideas and opinions. Maybe it's because we lack the confidence to trust ourselves, and we need the approval of others to feel that our truth is real.

"I wonder why we do feel it's so important for people to share their ideas and opinions. Maybe it's because we lack the confidence to trust ourselves, and we need the approval of others to feel that our truth is real. "

I hope you have found this interesting! i would be happy to hear your opinions on this in the comments and will try not to oppose them or challenge or change whatever you think. I know this is going to be a great challenge when met with intense reactions to these words, but i am going to do my best. I think that the best way to respect and honour someone is to let them have their own opinions, but i have to say that I think i might rather live in a country where people value respect each other first. I would like to put being respectful and not causing offence higher than I do free speech or the right to do or say anything we want regardless of its effects on others.

Much love, and respect to you all <3


The problem with freedom of speech is that you have to put up with a lot of bullshit. And usually it's people who like to exercise their freedom of speech, and people who think highly of their precious opinions that are better off having their mouth zipped. Who doesn't have an opinion or two on one thing, or another, or on everything. Imagine how noisy the Earth would be if everyone were to 'exercise. their freedom of speech'. 😊

Well said, and how very true! Its the people who keep their mouths shout who probably have the wisest words to share. Oh what a world!

There is a lot of tribalism and I have seen a lot of people throw reason out the window. Personally, I prefer to read both sides of the stories (facts) and then decide afterward. It might not sit well with some people that I don't agree with them but, I do think people are free to choose their own opinions.

Wise words and great attitude!

"There is a big difference between sharing information and facts, and letting people come up with their own conclusions, and sharing our opinions as fact."

I agree with this statement. The problem is, media and governments actually colluded to prevent the free sharing of information--thus the default setting of the media was to present government opinion as if it were fact. They stifled the free exchange of ideas in the marketplace, thus preventing potentially true and lifesaving information from reaching people. I respect individual human beings. I do NOT respect governments/collective minds/propagandists.

I'll conclude by contending that the only answer to bad/wrong speech is more speech--or completely ignoring the wrong speech, as in those of us who turned off the mainstream news and kept our businesses operating in defiance of tyranny.

Great comment thank u! Yes i fully agree.. media totally propagate these kind of biased conclusions in all their articles.. totally based on their own agendas and without any concern even for facts. They even go so far as to make facts up to serve their narrative. They are for sure to blame at least in part.

I think for peace of mind im opting for just saying nothing as it makes no difference anyways whAt anyone says.. we can all come to our own conclusions in our own time 🙏

There are so many people out there telling half-truths or made-up facts just to create a reaction, freedom of speech has this huge drawback. Thanks for your post.

Sure we all have our useful fictions, but what if these fictions aren't actually serving us? Wouldn't it be beneficial if they we're challenged? Stating that what someone is saying is nonsense doesn't have to necessarily be disrespectful, but rather less eloquent way of disagreeing :)

hey! thanks for the question. well i think there is a difference between sharing opinions and facts. there is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions.. its just how we feel about something and is so personal that its not even relevant what someone else things about it.. when its about something factual though i agree, it can be very helpful..

It's not clear to me if it's possible to draw a line between opinions and facts. Facts are facts until proven otherwise. Opinions don't become facts until they're proven to be true. So in a sense, both could be either one. Perhaps the distinction arises from the mutual agreement on whether a specific thing is true or not

well, maybe sometimes it can be a hard line to mark.. but i think normally its pretty clear cut.. if you are presenting a fact then you will be referring to something external which is qualitative or quantitative.. it could indeed change, and there are many different facts you can choose from.. but facts are facts.. observable things that are external to us.. then opinions are personal things we may base on facts (hopefully) but no always.. opinions are like you choose which facts to look at, or dont even bother at all :)

Could it be then that opinions and facts are a subjective and objective side of the same thing? :) One is oriented around an individual truth and the other around the collective. This discussion kind of made me wonder if being unable to see that slight difference is the very reason people become offended and emotional about certain stuff.

i dont think so.. at least thats my opinion. :)
mainly because opinions are almost always flawed in terms of logic.. they are just based on someones personal experiences and emotions and very biased..

basically.. opinions are when we choose to select facts and then come up with a conclusion
where as facts are just simple facts without our own judgement .. there is no judgement with fact, no diagnosis, that is the key difference.. facts are real easy to deliver, and opinions are basically judgements most of the time

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