Betel leaf is known as a medicinal plant and is a native Indonesian plant that grows vines and has fairly dense leaves. The use of betel as herbal medicines has been known for a long time, almost every province in Indonesia has these plants and is used and is believed to be rich in various benefits.
In Aceh province, we call it Ranub, known as one of the leaves that has a philosophy for banquets to guests at various traditional ceremonial events, by serving it with betel nuts to a dish and is believed to be efficacious for dental hygiene, breath odor, and also stomach. Here you can easily find it, as shown in this picture, the plant grows in the backyard of my house.
Since a long time ago, Betel has been known to have a variety of benefits, while the ones whose benefits are often known are as follows:
Helps Manage Diabetes
One of the benefits of betel leaf is that it can reduce blood glucose levels. Betel leaf also contains active molecules called tannins that have anti-diabetic properties. This leaf also contains a variety of polyphenols that have excellent antioxidant potential. These molecules can protect pancreatic cells from free radical damage. Are you a smoker? Betel leaf is an anti-free radical that is very efficacious.
Improve Dental Health
Betel leaf can prevent mouth infections so it can improve dental health. To reduce dental infections, betel leaves are boiled and the water is used as a mouthwash. This is often used by many people in my area, they rinse their mouth to just maintain healthy teeth and eliminate bad breath.
Accelerate wound healing
Betel leaf contains polyphenols that have antioxidant properties, this is what is believed by people here to clean the wound with liquid betel leaf that has been boiled, pounded, and smeared around the wound.
Reduce of cough
Benefits of betel leaf for health one of which is able to reduce cough. The leaves are soaked in olive oil and applied to the chest to reduce nasal congestion. The juice from the betel leaf juice mixed with honey can be given to children to eliminate phlegm and I often do it when the children are influenza, and it is very proven efficacy.
Overcome Leucorrhoea
And this is of course the most sacred to the female area, betel leaf boiled water is believed to overcome vaginal discharge. How to use it is to drink boiled water or washed it into the area of intimate organs that have vaginal discharge. Betel leaf can reduce the growth of fungi, viruses to bacteria. If you have never tried, I suggest to try and enjoy the results in a tangible way.
During this pandemic, we in Aceh often made anti-septic herbs made from betel leaves, simply by boiling betel leaves, then put them in Hand sanitizer containers and placed at home as homemade anti-septic and guaranteed to be safer to use.
Well, that's a glimpse of betel leaf which is one of the icons of herbal plants in Indonesia. If you have the opportunity to visit Indonesia, be sure to taste the betel leaf or bring it home as a souvenir. You don't need to buy it, people who own this plant will voluntarily give it to you if you need it.
Sirih dikenal sebagai tanaman obat-obatan dan merupakan tanaman asli Indonesia yang tumbuh merambat serta memiliki daun yang cukup lebat. Penggunaan sirih sebagai obat-obatan herbal sudah dikenal sejak dulu, hampir di setiap provinsi di Indonesia memiliki tanaman tersebut dan digunakan serta dipercayai kaya akan beragam manfaat.
Di provinsi Aceh, kami menyebutnya Ranub, dikenal sebagai salah satu daun yang memiliki filosophy untuk jamuan kepada tamu-tamu dalam berbagai acara ataupun ceremonial adat, dengan cara disajikan dengan buah pinang untuk dikunyah dan dipercaya berkhasiat untuk kebersihan gigi, bau nafas, dan juga lambung. Disini anda dapat dengan mudah menemukannya, seperti yang tampak pada gambar ini, tanaman itu tumbuh merambat di pekarangan belakang rumah saya.
Sejak dulu, Sirih sudah dikenal memiliki beragam manfaatnya, adapun yang sering diketahui manfaatnya adalah sebagai berikut :
Membantu Mengelola Diabetes
Manfaat daun sirih salah satunya adalah dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Daun sirih merah juga mengandung molekul aktif yang disebut dengan tanin yang memiliki sifat antidiabetes. Daun ini juga mengandung beragam polifenol yang memiliki potensi antioksidan yang sangat baik. Molekul-molekul ini dapat melindungi sel-sel pankreas dari kerusakan radikal bebas. Anda seorang perokok? daun sirih merupakan anti radikal bebas yang sangat mujarab.
Tingkatkan Kesehatan Gigi
Daun sirih dapat mencegah infeksi mulut sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesehatan gigi. Untuk mengurangi infeksi gigi, daun sirih direbus dan airnya dijadikan sebagai obat kumur. Ini yang sering digunakan banyak orang di daerah saya, mereka berkumur-kumur untuk sekedar menjaga kesehatan gigi dan menghilangkan bau nafas.
Mempercepat Penyembuhan Luka
Daun sirih mengandung polifenol yang memiliki sifat antioksidan, hal inilah yang dipercayai orang-orang disini membersihkan luka dengan cairan daun sirih yang sudah direbus, ditumbuk dan dioleskan pada sekitaran luka tersebut.
Mengurangi Batuk
Manfaat daun sirih untuk kesehatan salah satunya adalah dapat meredakan batuk. Daun-daun direndam dalam minyak olive oil dan dioleskan ke dada untuk mengurangi hidung tersumbat. Sari dari jus daun sirih yang dicampur dengan madu dapat diberikan pada anak-anak untuk menghilangkan dahak dan itu sering saya lakukan ketika anak-anak sedang influenza, dan sangat terbukti kemujarabannya.
Atasi Keputihan
Dan yang ini tentu saja yang paling sakral bagi area kewanitaan, air rebusan daun sirih dipercaya dapat mengatasi keputihan. Cara penggunaannya adalah bisa diminum air rebusannya atau dibasuh ke area organ intim yang mengalami keputihan. Daun sirih dapat mengurangi pertumbuhan jamur, virus hingga bakteri. Jika anda belum pernah mencoba, saya sarankan untuk mencoba dan menikmati hasilnya secara nyata.
Anti septik
Pada masa pandemi ini, kami di Aceh sering membuat anti septik herbal dengan berbahan dasar daun sirih, cukup dengan merebuskan daun sirih, kemudian di masukkan ke dalam wadah Hand sanitizer dan ditempatkan di rumah sebagai anti septik buatan sendiri dan dijamin lebih aman penggunaannya.
Nah, itulah sekilas tentang Daun sirih yang menjadi salah satu ikon tumbuhan herbal di Indonesia, Jika anda berkesempatan mengunjungi Indonesia, pastikan mencicipi Daun sirih atau membawanya pulang sebagai oleh-oleh. Anda tidak perlu membelinya, masyarakat yang memiliki tanaman ini akan sukarela memberikannya kepada anda jika anda membutuhkannya.
Betel contains a spectrum of phenylpropene compounds which makes up a good part of the smell from the leaves. Eugenol is one of them and it causes your mouth to go numb. Eugenol is also found in other plants such as basil. There's also other chemicals such as chavicol, isoeugenol, and chavibetol.
Interestingly these chemicals can (theoretically) be used in the synthesis of psychedelic phenethylamines. A good example is safrole in the synthesis of MDMA. Plants are chemical factories.
Hmmm, interesting too. I do not have basic health sciences, but the use of these terms is totally incomprehensible to me. In Indonesia, especially in the province of Aceh, the use of betel leaf as a natural medicine based on the experience of its predecessors, so far I have found no obvious side effects, but chewing betel leaf is as you say "our mouth to go numb"
Betel? I think I had that in Taiwan...betle nuts...made me a little dizzy. It didn’t feel so nice. I wonder if they sometimes add some unnatural chemicals. It did feel like medicine though