At home we have the custom of making a small toast and my father says a few words (a long speech) that always fills us with optimism for the new year.>
Heheh love this! Making toast for new year is great. At least you get the opportunity to look back at all the memories created in year and feel blessed. Lovely dad😅
We always have unforgettable moments on these dates and many Venezuelan families celebrate it like this!>
This is what I loves most about the Venezuelans. You guys don't forget to celebrate memorable days. You all come together, bond together and celebrate this days. It is worth it o tell you.
And for the August dates we used to go out as a family for several walks, taking advantage>
Family holidays are always the best, hehe we all deserve a break, a vacation, you know to evaluate, bond, relax and relieve pressure. Keep it up
This is a wonderful post I enjoyed reading it and I wish you the best of luck in the contest. 🤗
Hasta ahora
Siii my father is a sweetheart! His discourse always leaves stronger ties between us.
Oh yeah! Venezuelans from all over we invented a celebration hahaha. Being happy and celebrating is worth it.Thanks @esther-emmanuel! I receive your blessings and good luck with open arms.