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RE: How Morality Stunts Our Vision + Rune of the Day

in Cross Culture3 years ago (edited)

I think we all need that quiet space from time to time, so that we can resume our path forward refreshed and reinvigorated. If I recall correctly, that quote is from an interview he gave while a passenger on a cargo ship. Turns out Alex Haley loved taking trips on them as the cabins provided a peaceful environment for him to write. That quote has always stayed with me, as I was raised mostly by older people, and learned so much from them. It always reminded me of the burning of The Library of Alexandria. The "library burning" part, is a reference to the knowledge lost when wise elders pass on, unless that knowledge is passed on to the next generation.


Yes, it made sense right away. Perhaps, in our future we'll place a higher value on their wisdom and experience.