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RE: Faith, from where I stand

I absolutely understand how this goes. Especially when I was neck deep in a 7 minute long project that ended up taking 2 hours...

Yeah... It ended up working out just was a pain.

Had to do more work as the previous idiot did everything they could To just not do what they needed to do.

So I got to spend a long time cleaning up all this sealant and just totally wrecked somebody's massive amount of effort that actually wasn't even needed.

Yep that's right I just needed to change a water pump. That's what was leaking all along and whoever was trying to seal all these other connections was actually doing it all backwards.

I absolutely did not submit to anything except for my patients. There were absolutely times where I decided that I was just going to take a break and have a smoke break! Let's watch YouTube videos for a minute or three.

That small little job ended up taking some extra time but it was actually completely worth it to do it right.

Sometimes instead of submission you just have to throw a big huge fit and demand things work out your way. Even if that molehill just turned into a mountain I'm going to grab a sledgehammer and turn the mountain into sand....

But then again I'm Shoshone. We are born this way.... I came into this world screaming and full of rage and I will leave this world kicking and fighting....


there’s no problem in insisting on things you know are possible or think might be possible! It’s when you know they aren’t or that they cost more than you are willing to sacrifice or you end up becoming something you don’t want to be to achieve what you are trying to achieve that this kind of submission can help.

Like I know that not taking care of my health is going to catch up with me eventually so if I want to continue to feel good I need to submit to the idea of taking care of my health.

Yo I’d love to learn more about Shoshone. I know literally nothing about native culture except what I learned in history books and a few random prophecies I’ve watched on YouTube.

Oh id recommend the big 1200 page long book of Sacajawea.

Or this one...

I'm native American royalty. An unpapered papered mutt.
