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RE: If you haven’t made friends with any Nigerians at Hive…WTF are you waiting for?

in Cross Culture3 years ago

😳 You mean the Nigerian prince never sent you that money? How rude! 😂

I love your open-mindedness and unbiased views. I wish every one in the world has this mindset. If we all did, we won't notice the differences in our beliefs or culture or even race. And the world would be a better place for it!

Thank you for the glowing commendations about Nigerians on hive. Do not be intimidated about coming to Africa... Just get your flu shots or whatever medical precautions and you will definitely enjoy your visit here.

Thanks for the mention. You dey make my head swell. 😄


😳 You mean the Nigerian prince never sent you that money? How rude! 😂

Hhahahahaha so rude indeed.

Posted via

I guess he had too many royal responsibilities and forgot. 😛

To be honest this kind blog can be awkward to write, but I felt I should write it. I don't like focusing too much on race or nationality because I don't think they matter much but our personal history and current reality help to tell a story and there is certainly a reality to each country.

I do not really want to put you into a box and say “my Nigerian friend”. I’d rather say “my friend” but then at the same time I feel that adding the nationality can help to combat some negative stereotypes that still exist. I always hope nobody minds….

This is another topic I need to write about. I think you are becoming my muse @kemmyb 😆😆😆