Apparently, I bottled an opportunity to learn multiple Nigerian languages.

in Cross Culture3 years ago (edited)

This morning, I decided to casually scroll through my page to review the posts I published last month. This is something I do once in a while to keep track of my improvement as a content creator.

While doing it this morning, I came across this post, How long is too long to learn a foreign language?, which I published just a week ago. For some reason, the thought of how I still don't know many Nigerian languages started bugging me.

I love languages and I've tried to learn some Asian languages for a while. It's not very easy to do any of that, but it was fun and I enjoyed the experience while it lasted. I'm sure it will be a lot easier to learn Yoruba or Hausa or any other native Nigerian language (aside from Igbo which I already know cuz it's my native language), but I just haven't shown any intent to do so.

I have to acknowledge the fact that I've had multiple opportunities to learn other native Nigerian languages.


An opportunity to learn Hausa

Hausa is one of the top 3 most popular languages in Nigeria. It is the language of the Hausas who are the dominant tribe in the northern part of Nigeria.

My opportunity to learn Hausa came when I was serving my country as a Youth Corper. I spent a great part of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 in the northern part of Nigeria which is dominated by the Hausas. Being in a place like that was a sure opportunity to relate with the Hausas.

As a Cross-cultural lad, I had a good time in the region and I learned a thing or two about their lifestyle, but I didn't even try to learn the language. You know, there is a great difference between 'tried but failed' and 'not trying at all. The latter best describes me.

This was a bit of a surprise because I was posted to serve in the marketing unit of a commercial bank in the city of Jos, Plateau state.


If you know anything about marketing, you will understand how crucial communication can be. To crown it all, most of these people are in love with their native language and some of them would not cut slack for anyone that chooses to converse with them in English.

I wasn't bothered. I approached each discussion with English. After spending a whole year in Hausa land, the Hausa words I subconsciously picked up are food, money and come.

An opportunity to learn Yoruba

During my days at University, I got in touch with people who are either Yoruba or good in the language. Despite being in touch with such people, I didn't attempt to pick up any word in the language from them. Now, I'm living in Yoruba land. Will this be my moment? 🤫

Due to my desire to also live amid the Yorubas and learn stuff about their lifestyle and co, I relocated to the southwestern part of Nigeria in September 2021. This area is dominated by the Yorubas and their culture is phenomenal. They also love their language to the t. Haha.

The first week I spent here, it was so hard to get radio programs that were anchored in English. After a while, I stopped trying to tune in to radio stations. It's not so much of a surprise though because it's pretty much the same in other regions, but when you go to Igboland, there are only a handful of programs that were fully anchored in Igbo. This made me jealous of how other regions hold their language in high esteem.

I've spent 6 months here and without making effort, I already know the Yoruba words for come and money. I may still pick up two more words before bidding farewell to Nigeria.


After reading thus far, I'm sure the popular opinion would be that I should be making the most of these opportunities to learn these languages. I would have likely said the same to any other person in my shoes, but I understand why I'm in this situation where I can't even do the bare minimum as far as other native nigerian languages are concerned.

It's always attributed to my intent. I love these languages, but learning them was not part of my plan. At the moment, every time I talk with the Hausas I met when I was in Hausa land or the Yorubas I'm currently relating with, we always interact in English.

The fact that I can fully enjoy the experience of living in the midst of people from a different tribe without feeling so different because of the notable difference in language is one of the things that gives me confidence to travel to any part of the world.

Even if I decide to learn any language, it won't be a big deal. I'm very quick with these things. It just has to be a language I'm interested in learning.

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I'm curious, are the Nigerian languages similar to one another or very different?

Google says that there are 525 native languages in Nigeria.

I'm from the Igbo tribe and I can tell you that there are more than 60 different types of Igbos. I was lucky enough to grow up in a part of the Igbo region where we speak the central Igbo. That's, the type used in writing Igbo books. This makes it easier for me to understand other kinda Igbos with proper attention. It's like how an English person speaks English and it sounds different from what you hear from an Irish person. Or how Liverpudlians speaks scouse and it's hard for an American to understand the words.

Now, I'm sure that Google didn't take note of these when they gave that figure.

When you talk about the other languages like Hausa, Yoruba, Efik... And co. They are different by a country mile. Hehe. It's so different, you will never understand a thing without settling down to learn the other language.

Wow, that's a LOT of languages!

I grew up in the Midlands in England, so I guess it's a similar situation to you with Igbo, in that I can understand most of the British and Irish dialects. Southerners and northerners struggle to understand one another, though. It also means that my accent is neutral enough that I can be understood by most English speakers. When I came to Australia and was helping out at my daughter's school, the teacher would get me to do some reading tests and would always give me the Scottish girl to test. I'm pretty sure it was because she struggled to understand her accent. 😆 I recall the poor girl getting rather stressed when an assistant was listening to her reading and kept correcting her, when she was saying the right word, but it didn't sound like it to an Australian's ear.

Hahaha... Exactly. I've been enjoying the scouse accent so much. Both scouse and Irish accent usually cracks my ribs whenever I listen to it. As for the main English (most part of England), it's more Shakespearean and always sounds so poetic.

Yet, people will just say 'English Language' without realizing that some native English speakers finds it hard to understand themselves whenever these accents comes into play. Haha.

This shows how diverse these languages can be.

Lol... I always forget my !PIZZA

So, na only two words you fit translate?? 🤣🤣🤣

The first week I spent here, it was so hard to get radio programs that were anchored in English.

🤣🤣🤣 That is Ibadan for you. Everywhere na Yoruba. Come to Ondo and you will regret your stay because even if they try to speak English, it is with their dialect 😅😅😅

food, money and come.

Kene, go and learn more words. These ones are too simple na 😂😂😂

I came via @dreemport

Lol... As in eeee. I wanted to be sure that I'm not lying to myself so, I gave myself a quick test. Haha. My brain couldn't think of any other thing.

Funny enough, all those ones I know are the ones I knew even before I travelled to Hausa or Yoruba land.

Remember how they say WAZOBIA? Haha. That's a combination of the 3 major languages for 'come'. Lol. I just wanted to learn an Asian language Biko 😂.

I'm glad DreemPort sent you my way.

😂😂😂 I was repeating the WAZOBIA. Nawa for you oo

hehe language can be a bit hard to learn but with determination you will.the yoruba's really treasure there languages.

Yeah. That's always the case for anyone that is really interested in learning a language

I also have this same experience and I didn't make use of the opportunities. I have been to almost every part of the country but never bothered learning the languages. Now I am left with regret. Although I'm learning Yoruba now, I hope someday in the future the opportunity to learn Hausa would present itself again

Lol... There are many of us like this. I always take solace in the fact that I can speak my own Igbo although what I speak is central Igbo. The type they speak in my hometown is entirely different and I understand it well, but I can't speak that one. Haha.

Languages are like that. So weirddd. !PIZZA

From what my mom says, Korean will be your first language that you master! hahahaha

Learning languages is my (dreem) 4 also, but also like you, I haven't set aside the time to do it yet.

We still have time to start! 🐯

Wow! Haha. You sneaked into Hive today. That's a pleasant surprise.

About languages, I've been picking up a little of it from here and there but I've noticed that I'm not bothered about learning other Nigerian languages. Haha. Hangul (korean language) will surely be at the top of my list whenever I'm fully available to learn it.

Good to have you back on hive. I hope you will get to spend more time here ✌️. !PIZZA

Wow! Haha. You sneaked into Hive today. That's a pleasant surprise.

I swear I was shocked too when I saw his comment on one of the posts I was assigned on dreemport today. 😅😅

Lol... DreemPort staff are already working in the shadows. Haha. I'm glad that he is stepping out gradually.

It's great to know many languages but not do easy to learn. Especially Nigerian languages though yoruba very easy to learn
Came via dreemeport

Yeah. I've heard this - that Yoruba is easy to learn.

Nigerian languages are so many especially when you look into the dialect that aligns with each region. Hehe. !PIZZA

😀 yea, we have a lot of languages

I love languages and learn words and phrases wherever I go.
Of course they say the fastest way to learn a language is to take a native speaking lover!
Popped in via dreemport:)

Hahah... No doubt about that. Once you have a native speaking lover, you will find it easier to learn the language. Haha. #Facts bro

haha yep it is fact bro 🤣🤣🤣

Can you not always post your photos? You are always messing with my imaginations of you when I see them... Lol. 😂😂

Me I want to learn Hause, Yoruba, and Igbo, but, I am a lazy child 🤧🤣🤣

Haha... Those photos were sorta taken in the last month of 2020, when I was still answering Corper/Banker. Haha. One of the hardest things to do with my phone is to take my own pictures with it. It's probably because of the way I write. Haha.

I hope you get your friends to start teaching you Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo. Hahah.

🤔 But, this is tricky. If you don't know any of those 3, which Nigerian language are you fluent in?

N.B: Don't say pigin English ooo 😂. !PIZZA

Maybe I should try to learn a new language 😆 I only speak English and pidgin and I get mocked everytime.

Lol... Just keep your earpods handy so that you will always fix it in your ear whenever someone speaks a strange language beside you. Haha.

😆 you forget that Nigerian tap you

Haha... They will be like; 'Sis, you are not saying anything. Talk na'

Yes oh, "watin this madam they feel like sef"

Ahaaa... They will make you feel bad for not wanting to join a discussion. The extreme lots will want to get an apology 😂.

The lifestyle of people in this country deserves to be documented and sent to Hollywood. We need a movie about all these 😂

😆 asin ehen, Nigerians are such a different breed.

You are lucky to knows how to speak your native language, I'm still battling with mine😒 and you are talking of learning other languages, well I think that's a long way for me.

Haha... Are you serious? Wow! So, you are among the indomie Generation. We need to be thankful for English language oooo. Really, it would have been a hard pill to interact with people if there was no centrally adopted language like English. !PIZZA

Ken the gentleman😍
Congratulations , such an awesome opportunity. Cheers to ore open doors🥂💗🔥

Doors will open for all of us to achieve what we want. !PIZZAHaha... Thanks so much @queenstarr

😁Ken for president🔥

Being multilingual is always a good thing. Never assume others will know your language.

I always wonder how things would have been if there was nothing like English language. Of course, not everyone knows it, but the language has really made it easier for people to connect from different part of the world.

Any major language would have been fine, ideally one that is easy to learn, both in speech and writing. In this area English has flaws, such as obscure writing rules and double meanings for words, but it works well enough.


I remember the 2 months I served in Kogi state. I wasn't so interested in learning their language but the students were always excited to teach me new words. I learnt a few things enough to mix the language with English to make a sentence but I forgot everything a couple of weeks after I left😂😂

Haha... This thing about language is so hilarious. It was like that for me when I thought I was already an expert after studying french as a subject in secondary school.

I later got an opportunity to meet some french speaking ivorians. Haha. That was when I realized that the words I learned in school were not enough to communicate with a native speaker.

Funny enough, I'm already forgetting the small french words I know. It's so weird 😂.

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You've already ticked English and Yoruba. Wherever you get deployed to, as far as you have interest in learning the language, I'm pretty sure you will learn it. Learning languages is not really a big deal. It gets easier when you are in the midst of people that speak the language casually. You also need to be willing in order to do so.

In my case, I don't see myself learning any other Nigerian languages. The ones I know are enough. Haha.

I hope you get a favourable posting during your NYSC.