Every year, We have a culture of celebrating feast of assigned Patron in different places. Our place is called El pardo, Boljoon, Cebu, Philippines and its feast is fast approaching. We have this tradition where in we will be having a motorcade in honor of out Patron. All of the people in our Brgy. will be joining the motorcade. I will be showing to you some of the photos that I've taken during the motorcade.
These are the balloons attached in every vehicle that will be joining the motorcade.
People preparing for the motorcade.
This is picture of people slowly motorcading in every part of our Brgy. It will be like 10 km. motorcade.
The red van is the vehicle where the Patron in our brgy is placed.
This man is the head of our Brgy. He called the Brgy captain in our place.
of course after a long and tiring motorcade there will be food distributed to every person who joined the motorcade.
This is where the snacks are placed.
Finally, after the motorcade is done, the image of the patron in our brgy will placed back in our chapel.
Thank you all for reading guys and I hope that you will appreciate and upvote my post.
Shout to my girlfriend, kimkim sakalam. I love you. lol
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