I have been living between 2 Countries as of now, so it becomes difficult for me to select which one should I write on. Today I choose to write on about the place where I am in the moment, which is Oman.
When I shifted here from India, I was in doubts as to how the wellness culture of this country would be. India is a land of Yoga, Ayurveda, Herbalism and promotes many natural therapies. There are wellness retreats and so much to offer. So with all this I was in doubt if I would find a something similar here as well and I was pleasantly surprised.
When we talk about Health and wellness it is just not about the physical health, but also boosting our mental health. Our surroundings play a major role in boosting our mental health, what type of environment we are living in matters a lot.
Oman provides this safe home to all it's people. When you travel to a certain country, the overall environment of the Country gives you a certain vibe and Oman gives a very beautiful vibe.
In the name of Health & Wellness these are the things that we have in our Country
- Periodical Health check up facilities for senior people - This is a good initiative by the ministry where the senior citizens of the Country are provided with free medical facilities, which takes off the burden from them on worrying about their medical expenses.
- Free Medicine facilities for low income people - Again a good initiative by them, where the low salaried income people get free medical facilities.
- Medical Insurance provided by Companies - A big relief specially for the Expats, because they are normally not covered under the free medical benefits. The Companies they work for cover their full medical under their Insurance. 2 Years back when my husband was undergoing his Myasthenia Gravis treatment, in a year's time our hospital bills were close to $40K and his company took care of all the expenses, which was a big relief for us and we did not have to worry about the finances for the treatment.
- Good equipped Hospitals - This is one thing where improvement is still needed. I will not say state of the art hospitals, but there are good facilities. If there is any complexed health issue then one needs to go out of the Country for treatment.
- Culture of Yoga is promoted - There are many Yoga and Meditation events that keep happening round the year and people are encouraged to participate in these events. Many global wellness events are promoted in the Country.
- Beautiful Open Parks - Personally this is my best one. We have some really beautiful, clean and well maintained parks in the city where we have good space for walking, exercise, play areas for children.
- Open Green spaces - Oman is a dry mountain area so greenery is not natural here, but if one visits the place, will be pleasantly surprised by how green it has been made with manual efforts.
- Fitness Clubs, Gyms and Spas - I can also say this is one of the best business here, there are so many at competitive prices that it difficult to choose. Nowadays the new construction that happens, every building has their own fitness club, which makes it easier for the residents.
- Open Gyms in the Park areas - I love this part. There are many people here, specially the labor class people who cannot afford to pay gym money and for them, this is the best. They can use these open gym areas in park for fitness.
- Daily articles on Health & Wellness - Daily I look forward to reading this one. Everyday there is one wellness and health related full page article in the news paper. it is very pleasant to read such good knowledge giving articles. Another thing here is when I see the newspaper there is always good things to read, which is encouraging.
- Easy accessible Medical facilities - When we go to the hospital for any health concern, the processes are very simple and fast. We just need to present our Medical cards and everything gets taken care of. All the hospitals private and government have good management practices. The Ministry has laid down certain protocols which every unit has to follow.
- Promote Sports - The culture of sports and wellness is very high in the country and encouraged a lot. Football is their favorite game, even in mountain areas we find football grounds :-)
- Activities for Schools - Ministry has again set some protocols for the Schools for engaging children in social and physical activities. It is good for their brain development.
- High standards of Hygiene - As I mentioned earlier, it's a very beautiful and clean city. Not only that, every restaurant is under scrutiny when it comes to maintaining their hygiene standards. The supermarkets selling food products have strict guidelines on maintaining quality of the food products.
Besides all of this, there are good infrastructure systems, no personal tax systems, hygienic environment all which is needed to be mentally healthy. Imagine when you do not have good roads, travelling becomes so much of a nuisance and it takes away so much of your energy leaving you drained out. Imagine when you have high tax structures, you feel so annoyed that so much of your income you need to give away to governments, this becomes stressful.
All of this together promotes good health for people of the Country. Overall I can say that this Country provides a very healthy environment to it's people. Even during the Covid times, when most of the Countries were completely shut down, we never had very strict closures except for some few days where there were complete lock downs, but those were very few days and most of the period we lived peacefully enjoying our environment safely. We went to the beaches, parks, our public spaces were all open and we did not feel the Covid pressure as much as other parts of the World, which was a real blessing for me to be in this place during these years. So one can imagine the kind of Wellness culture that this country promotes.
contestI will like to invite @taliakerch @artemislives and @princessbusayo to participate in this
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How nice to read this experience, where a country's government really cares about health, and I love that there are so many alternatives that can complement or accompany traditional medicine and also help in the emotional, mental and energetic balance as you mention.
Very nice your post, nice place 🤗
Thank you @miriannalis. This makes us realize that there is so much good around us and we can always choose to focus on that more on the negatives and be happy, which eventually will create a healthy us.
Thanks for tagging me in this challenge - accepted and will post my entry tomorrow!!
I know so little about Oman and I feel a little bit richer for having had a sneak-peak through your eyes.
If you get a chance do visit, you will surely love this place.💖
A hug and blessings.Hello @nainaztengra, I was very pleased to read your publication in which you give us an idea that good management in terms of comprehensive health can be achieved. And I really liked the practice of yoga as a habit of the population. In my country in some parks you have the opportunity to practice yoga freely.
That's good to know, we too have Yoga sessions happening over the weekends in open parks and at the beach. It is so refreshing and rejuvenating to attend these sessions.
Thank you....Love and Blessings to you as well
What a great culture you describe, excellent what the government is promoting.
Green areas are very necessary for those who cannot afford to pay for them.
you feel so good when you see greens around. It's like a feast to your eyes
Wow! A beautiful account of a country that apparently takes care of the welfare of its citizens that a great mission, I congratulate you for being there in Oman having a healthy quality of life for you and yours, no doubt all the benefits that the state provides makes its citizens happier. Greetings and success 🌷
Truly, this place offers a very healthy living and the pace of life is comparatively slow which is also one good thing here.
What I read is wonderful, I wish it could be repeated all over the world, I am happy for these populations that can enjoy an optimal health system.
The advantage here is that the population is less and hence things happen in a much better way.
You are definitely right that asides from physical health, mental health is also important to an individual. I can relate very well to your discussion about good roads and traffic, we face serious issues with that in my country Nigeria. Can you imagine I using 6 hours to get to work in the morning due to bad road and traffic yet, having my boss complaining of coming late to work. This stress really affects one mentally and something should be done about it.
Authored by: @starstrings01
That's really too much and too long. In India I am facing similar issues. For 20 years that I worked in my job in India I had long hours of travelling, not that my office was very far but due to traffic, and by the time I would reach home, I would be exhausted and not want to do anything else but sleep. It surely makes a lot of difference
How interesting to read your post, because when we live in countries where the services are not optimal and know that in other places it works, my wish is that at some point we can all enjoy good services. However, the alternatives of promoting mental health in open areas has been a great option for us as well. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.
Yes, I understand that every Country do have some or the other ways to promote health in all ways. Then it also depends on individuals how much benefit they want to take from it.
Oman is really a home away from home for Indians and other expats living there. Such a beautiful, peaceful and calm country with loving and caring people.
Thank you. I know you miss the place. Do visit if you get an opportunity. You can be my guest. I am going to here for another 1.5 years more
I would love to visit Oman if get any chance.