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RE: Thanaka - Burmese Cultural Treasure for Beauty and Skin Care

in Cross Culture2 years ago

I grew up using only Johnson and Johnson loose powder. I'm a naive girl back then and a simple loose powder is all I know and comfortable using. In 2018,I once had a bad acne breakout that pushed me to use a facial set from a local brand here in Cebu. It worked but it's been less effective lately. I'm planning to get a facial that peels off dry/dead skin and good for acne prone skin, too. Hopefully it'll work this time.

I couldn't recall being introduced to a traditional way of taking care of my face such as the one you shared. A sign that culture and tradition are well preserved.

You're looking great, Mac! 😍❤️


I used them too in the past but stopped because we have our own local version. I am not into that much of skin care but growing up, I was just taught the natural way of treating my skin with turmeric etc. I mean, I am sure you guys have something similar over there like perhaps how to treat wounds or maybe papaya?