I like to think your relationship with your mother is similar to the one I have with my father.
I didn't like my father while growing up (well I'm still growing up) , I felt he never loved me. My mother always told me he did and he didn't know how to show it. I gets angry everytime she says because, he takes care of strangers even better than his son.
As I grew older, I started to see things differently, I'm still not convinced but I certainly do not hate him anymore. I rarely talk to him now but when I do, I see more sincerity in his words. It just difficult to communicate properly. Even when we are in the house together, communication is done indirect through my mother.
Thanks for the opportunity to express myself.
Men of the past were not very good at expressing emotion, verbally or through their actions sometimes too. Sometimes they don't understand their own emotions. I think we are getting better and improving from past generations. This is why I still love the internet even though I agree with the complaints about algorithms and privacy. It gives us a chance to connect with people at our own pace, and with more space and freedom than physical life sometimes..though I still prefer meeting in person.
I'm glad you feel differently about your father now. There is always a chance for relationships to be rebuilt and change. We inherit a lot of parents baggage actually, sometimes being exactly the same as them or sometimes being the opposite to try and avoid becoming what we don't like about them. In the end though, when we become better versions of ourselves, I think the relationship changes naturally. I'd love to hear more about your family if you feel like writing about them. Send me a link on discord if you write about them.
And looking forward to our video!!! :-D