
That's good, sounds like it is delicious! You certainly make it look like you were enjoying it!

For sitting on the ground, it’s funny but we don’t have a lot of furniture in our house right now so I’ve been sitting on the floor to eat many of our meals and I don’t mind it anymore. I actually kind of prefer it over the table lol. Our son has been eating like that with me for a few years now!

Is part of the ritual i guess, to eat as more naturely as possible?

Yes, people should sit together on the ground and eat. This is how, we all eat in general as well at home. There are some scientific benefit of this even - its considered one form of Yoga which helps digestion. All practices since ages.

Wow, well yoga is based on movements that humanity could do since allways so its logical some movements helps.

Is a feast of support? For the family?

Is a feast of support? For the family?

You could say both - the feast is for to eat happily and bless the family to start fresh - and we do contribute to support - whatever we can.

That is so meaning full, im right now reading the wiki again, I guess each culture have ways to show love and support to their friends and family. And im glad you took your time and were there for your friend and his family, during this hard time and the rituals.