Venezuela actually does something similar, well wayuus does it. The famous hallaca was born from special celebrations food from enslaved indigenous people, the hallaca is now a simbol of cristmas, but long ago it was a food for a ritual to the moon godess now long forgotten...
Yet it wonders me a lot to see that indie also huse banana leaves in a sacred food, venezuela is weird, hallacas are basically corn mix with left over meat and a lot of small weird ingredients. Then boiled on the banana leaves and its taste is so unique that is a taste all venezuela will always say: Home.
Im fascinated by the ritual of your nation for passing, because is so different from ours that im totally amazed by it. My sincere support for your friend and his family, may God keep his father at his side and grand him peace on the heavently realm.
Venezuela actually does something similar, well wayuus does it. The famous hallaca was born from special celebrations food from enslaved indigenous people, the hallaca is now a simbol of cristmas, but long ago it was a food for a ritual to the moon godess now long forgotten...
Yet it wonders me a lot to see that indie also huse banana leaves in a sacred food, venezuela is weird, hallacas are basically corn mix with left over meat and a lot of small weird ingredients. Then boiled on the banana leaves and its taste is so unique that is a taste all venezuela will always say: Home.
Im fascinated by the ritual of your nation for passing, because is so different from ours that im totally amazed by it. My sincere support for your friend and his family, may God keep his father at his side and grand him peace on the heavently realm.