Untangled Knots is something I've wanted to do forever but wasn't feeling up to for various reasons for a long time. @josediccus agreed to a practice round with me. While we were figuring out the controls and how to record, Ching Yi, a long time friend popped in and stayed with us through the entire recording. The first episode and onward willbe a little different and things will evolve as they go, but we all thought this conversation was worth sharing. Part 2 will be up soon.
▶️ 3Speak
It was totally a fun and revealing time, we all had to share our continental diversities and similarities, it's what I call the perfect cross culture, it's beautiful to hear your experiences and that of Ching too. Can't wait to do this again.. really.
It was lots of fun....but now I'm horrified at how the video uploaded onto 3speak.....Oh no! Our faces are all stretched out :-D
Its definitiely crazy, I didn't expect it to come out the way it did, maybe it was due to the fact that 3speak couldn't frame the screen size to contain it the video. Nevertheless, I think we can try other options when we're recording.
I will turn my phone sideways to film next time. I think that helps with the ratios.
For this time I will adjust the settings of the video and do a test upload to 3speak later and if it works I'll post part 1 and 2 together!
Funhouse mirror faces or not, the stories were intriguing, so it didn't bother me at all. It also made me laugh a couple of times, the best kind of natural medicine!
Awesome genuine conversation with great energy. Looking forward to the rest of it...
Yes, we're aiming to actually make the subsequent one's better, this one was meant to be a test run. Hopefully, the subsequent ones will be better. Thanks for checking out the video
Thanks for sharing your story! As a creative who has been plagued by perfectionistism for most of his life, I embrace imperfection.
Nice test run.